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  1. C

    Red red angus Bull Judge um

    Really nice bull. :)
  2. C

    Our first cow

    Calico cow, right pretty.
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    Heifer calf (Pic)

    Very nice.
  4. C

    Miniature hereford bulls

    Nice looking fellers.
  5. C

    Our New Bull

    Good looking bull. TTCLM, Why wouldn't you take a good set of bathroom scales and step up on them holding the calf and then weigh yourself. If you weigh the truck and trailer then drive it home you have lost the weight of the fuel you used on the trip back and forth, so your weight is wrong...
  6. C

    3-year old bull

    Looks good.
  7. C

    Guess the weight

    Black- 600# Red -535#
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    Brown Swiss

    My daughter sold a bred jersey heifer 2 weeks ago and I was amazed at what she sold for. It changed my mind about fooling with jersey heifers. :lol:
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    This is for all those that said I was blowing smoke

    Come on Cope, let it all out brother, ain't you tired of holding back? 8)
  10. C

    This is for all those that said I was blowing smoke

    He spends more time bragging and beating his chest than he does farming. I think he rides around with a camera taking pictures of other farms to prove a moot point. Heck you might see a picture of your own barn if you live in Tennessee. ;-)
  11. C

    what to breed to black baldie

    Hey Cert, That sure is a fine little fellow in the picture. Ain't he the stuff.
  12. C


    Sustain scour tablets, Spectam scour halt for pigs. Electrolites to replinish lost fluids. If this is a bottle calf; I would cut the milk replacer powder to half quantity of powder in all the water you usually feed. I would give 10cc spectam scout halt morning and night. 2 Sustain scour tablets...
  13. C

    Tapeworm started it !!! North vs South

    Hang on to your confederate money boys, the south will rise again. :P
  14. C

    I'm new..and I need help with a school project

    Red or black angus and polled herford.
  15. C

    Breeds are't mingling

    They drink at different tanks, they eat at different bunks and the angus have to enter the barn from the back door. Just remember that when you take them to the sale barn who rides in the back of the trailer. This could be a serious situation folks. :lol:
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    Growing babies

  17. C

    Am I crazy??....I like colors.

    Green is my favorite color. Especially on lots of dead presidents. 8)
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    Young Simbra Bull

    I wish you guys didn't beat around the bush so much. Don't hold back men. :lol:
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    which would you cross to your cows

    I've noticed in the last couple of years that some of the dairys here are breeding a percentage of their dairy herd to beef bulls. It gives them a calf that brings better when they sell them and a lot of them don't have the bony dairy look. Ayrshires and jerseys will drop a big variety of...
  20. C

    Calving Season is Officially here!

    Good looking calf.