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  1. F

    Male/Female ultrasound technician difference?????

    Unfortunately, I have to agree that it is still a man's world. I hate it when I get that look. You know the one... how could you know anything about cattle - you're just a woman. The sow units around here are starting to get a little better. They're starting to realize a lower mortality rate...
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    australian cattle dogs

    We have a red and a blue heeler. They are wonderful dogs. Have never trained them to work cattle. They just seem to come into on their own. VERY intelligent dogs. Son uses the blue for 4H also. She is very easy to teach and loves to work in the show ring about as much as she loves working...
  3. F

    Light colored cattle advantage

    Are you trying to stir the pot now? ;-)
  4. F

    Bulls ARE cheaper than AI

    We run a bull. I don't know how to AI, don't have time to heat detect, and really don't have the desire to do it. I also cannot use a bull for 5 years. I keep replacement heifers and he would be breeding his daughters.
  5. F

    Back to my earlier post

    TCM - scroll down a bit and read his post thanking his uncle for buying his cattle. Macon had to lock it. SCFarms - I am thinking maybe your parents don't want to be beholding to someone. Your uncle buying your cattle but letting you keep them and still have them up for sale would look like...
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    Hays Converter

    Ok Dun - you made me ask. :D I have a Stockman's Handbook that has very little info about quite a few different breeds. From what it says - I thought Hays Converters might be a good deal. What is everyones' opinion on them?
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    Commercial x Charolais

    Texan - sorry. I missed where you were referring back to the original question. Yes you are most certainly entitled to your opinion. I apologize for the missunderstanding there too. I had asked Caustic specifically for his opinion. Your response after that came across a little "heated" to...
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    Commercial x Charolais

    That must be the difference. The only thing purebred here is the bull. Also we give a treat every couple of days to keep the cows coming to us to be checked instead of us having to go to them. Then we always walk in amoungst them to check so they are use to us when we work them. Next...
  9. F

    Commercial x Charolais

    Gee Caustic, Crowderfarms, and rwthereford, sorry I got you all ripped for askin'. I have multiple breeds in my cow herd. My Angus cows are smaller than my Hereford cows. My Hereford cows are smaller than my Charlais cows. I don't think my Angus cows would handle a Char bull very well...
  10. F


    Agree with all responses. Another question I would like to ask Doc is - what breed are we all suppose to be raising? I don't think I could raise the same cattle here in Iowa that they are raising in Texas. At least not as well as they do. Then also I think the markets would go to heck if...
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    Commercial x Charolais

    Caustic - I agree with you about not using Char bull. My question is - what do you think about Char cow being bred to Angus bull? Around here it seems that a Char looking calf with a black hide does real well. Both in performance and in price. I like the looks of these calves. Too afraid of...
  12. F

    Sucking Dairy Heifers

    Pen them seperate.
  13. F

    cloned angus bull

    I also disagree with cloning. For those who think cloning is good - what do you do when consumer demand changes? If you make all cattle the same then what do you make them like? I can't raise the same cattle they raise in Texas for example. If all cattle are the same then the markets from...
  14. F

    beefmaster or limo

    Dad had a hereford bull when I was a kid. My brothers and I named him Sam. He would wait by the gate for us to stop and pet him when we got home from school. Still kinda miss that 'ol guy. I also like angus and baldies. Just remember that anything/anyone short is liable to get took at...
  15. F

    Some pictures of Bez's HH

    Just had to comment on your use of lidocaine when dehorning. I haven't been around dehorning much and have never heard of lidocaine being used until now. I LOVE that you do! I am a wimp when it comes to causing pain to an animal. The job gets done but I am as relieved as the animal is when...
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    Black baldies

    It has been our experience that whatever attitude momma has, her calf will have that same attitude. Agree that both sides contribute to temperament so am thinking that being flighty could be a learned trait from momma.
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    polled herford

    Bez - that was great! I'm beginning to think this boy is yelling so much that he can't hear us. I would think that if Hill Creed Farms was SERIOUS about what he wants to do, then he would follow some advice and tone it down. After all, we are the kind of people he wants and needs to sell to...
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    polled herford

    I don't really recall Campground making fun of your operation. Campground asked questions that you never really answered. It's hard to take you serious if you can't come up with the answers. I remember the AHA membership question being asked over and over. You are finally giving an answer...
  19. F

    Is he worth buying???

    He looks good in the picture. If he moves good, I'd give him a go.
  20. F

    Young Bull

    We have a smaller herd like that and we don't keep any of our own bull calves. They all become steers and are finished out. This young bull will be breeding his mother and sisters if kept. We don't allow any inbreeding.