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  1. CKC1586

    Fullblood polled Blonde d' Aquitaine

    Always exciting to start new ventures with breeds of your choice! Best of luck and much success to you! :tiphat:
  2. CKC1586

    2way and 3waycross explained.

    An informed opinion, wouldn't that be great! But an opinion is the right of each of us to have. As my Dad always said, "opinions are like assholes, everyone has one". He was a wise man. :tiphat:
  3. CKC1586

    Bull ring

    Enjoying what you do adds to satisfaction much more that what someone thinks about what you are doing. Raise what you want. We each have choices and the reason behind those choices are usually more than what appears on the surface. Congratulations on your successes. Better luck next time on any...
  4. CKC1586

    Compare the Bulls

    Okay, I will weigh in. You know that Tyson is my favorite Italian bull. He worked best on my girls. Got some phenomenal calves. I expect you would agree. ;-) Anyway. I like both bulls for different reasons. If you look at your girls what would you fault them on? Then look again at the bulls...
  5. CKC1586

    Bashful 2 Year Old Bull

    Nothing like the facts of life learned on a farm. As real as it gets.
  6. CKC1586

    Murray Grey Bull and Calves

    Beautiful bull and looks like he is doing a fine job on his calves! Congratulations.
  7. CKC1586

    One of these things is not like the other

    Nice group of calves, even the prettied up one! Also very nice to see ground without snow on it.
  8. CKC1586

    Has anyone heard this story?

    :lol: Priceless! :lol: :clap: :tiphat: Thanks for the giggle! :lol2:
  9. CKC1586

    2way and 3waycross explained.

    Nice looking young fella! Hopefully he will grow up to do a good job for you. :tiphat:
  10. CKC1586

    Piedmontese AI Bulls?

  11. CKC1586

    Piedmontese AI Bulls?

    ANABORAPI Cached ANABORAPI is the National Association of Piemontese Cattle Breeders and has its head office at Carrù, in the region Piemonte, Italy. The Association was founded in ...
  12. CKC1586

    Piedmontese AI Bulls?

    Not sure where you are from but I can give you some names that may be willing to sell semen to you. PM me and I will be happy to refer you on...I don't think you will be disappointed in your choice of breed.
  13. CKC1586

    Another attack on American Agriculture by Chipotle

    eatocracy article: 01:15 PM ET Opinion: A farmer's challenge to Chipotle Ryan Goodman has been involved in agriculture all of his life, working on ranches across the country, as well as studying cattle nutrition and reproduction at the college levels. He works daily with farmers and ranchers...
  14. CKC1586

    Murray Greys

    Plus, she is gorgeous! Bet she has given you some great calves.
  15. CKC1586

    My calving is almost over

    Slick: Well, I still have some embryos. IF I decide to sell I would give you a call if interested, have turned down offers so far. Not ready to let go of them yet.
  16. CKC1586

    My calving is almost over

    As you know Slick,them heifers are like gold right now. Apparently last calving season was heavy on bull calves. Regardless the gender you are going to do great. Good job.
  17. CKC1586

    Murray Greys

    Wow, great looking group. Congratulations.
  18. CKC1586

    Denver's Livestock Exchange Building

    YES! Thank you! :tiphat:
  19. CKC1586

    Please help me decide!

    [/b] :nod:Exactly. :tiphat:
  20. CKC1586

    NWSS 2014: Junior Angus Heifer Show

    They have been posting results on each breed on Facebook....