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  1. tapeworm

    Foal and Bull

    I way
  2. tapeworm


    AMEN scotty and on there head...not there mouth!! Get a colts head right and you can ride him all over the Sandhills with jsut a piece of haystring twisted over his nose
  3. tapeworm

    I figured y'all would want to see...Now with feed Question.

    another hippie?? just what we needed lol Your feeding program makes you sound more like a horseman than a dopesmoker...i like it welcome....hippie or no hippie :)
  4. tapeworm


    I know your right cowman...Ive alwasy admired those competition calf ropers. I cant even get down off of a horse before there already throwing there hands up. If I was trying that with some of those crossbred calves id be standing there waiting on a a heeler to come hep me stretch him out. Lol...
  5. tapeworm


    White hooves are softer..seems liek they grow faster to....mmore trimming and shoeing. I like dark black hooves...there hard...dont even need shoes if you stay in the sand
  6. tapeworm


    Me and you will sure have to agree on that flabby...Id like to be there with you and help you out if you dont mind Hey Cowman I forgot to tell you 1 thing the other day when I was bragging on your using horse...he sure dont have much ear for a southerner horse does he?? Lol...just joking...
  7. tapeworm


    Lol of these days youll get cheated enough that you quit frettin over those old wifes tales.I think that 1 buy him..2 try him...3 cullhim...4 kill him junk must ahve been started by some old snide horse trader that had his eyes on a really good horse with 1 white hoof. Just another way...
  8. tapeworm

    foal with septic infection

    Consider yourself lucky if it sworks out good for you..or thats my experence...seems like i never had very good lucky with thiose as they develop..I never had to many but I dont remember ever having one that was %100. Good luck
  9. tapeworm

    round pen size?

    I think your right on the money with that smaller pen for youngercolts..I agree. I spread it out when i do my dresSAGE work just teasin :D
  10. tapeworm


    Id sure have to say I like him a lot cowman..only thing i see to gripe about is that white hoof..dont know why flabby likes it...but as long as he stays in the sand it wouldnt bother me none Id say your really mounted up good when you sit in the middle of that rig..I wouldnt be scared to tie...
  11. tapeworm

    Help me find a Horse

    Guess i just dont understand folks nowdays..lots of em dont bat an eye givng 6 or 7 grand for a dadgum 4 wheeler. Those same folks would drop teeth to see me write a 6500 dollar check for a top nothc using horse....takes all kinds I reckon.You get what you pay for tho good luck finding your...
  12. tapeworm

    Young Horse has Swayback?

    I guess they still use a lot of packhorses up there cattleannie?? I know folks up ther used to have to pack salt..pack in horseback up in the high country...a hard life but a hard life to beat cattleannie..I always like to read your take care to
  13. tapeworm

    Clicky Hip

    Hello J..thank you very much..just 1st 1 thing and then another. Always plenty of work to do seems like. Guess after Christmas blues might ahve made me antisocial for a would say whats new. LOL Maybe some truth?? Anyhow I miss you folks and alwasy plan on checking in more...
  14. tapeworm

    How much attention does a horse on pasture require.

    Lol By the time another 100years go by a horse wont be worth killin when it comes to stamina and toughing it will they?? I hate to see abused but theres no use in pampering any of em either. rross sounds like you probaly own asmany of those horse tarps and buy as much...
  15. tapeworm

    Clicky Hip

    LOL Alan..I make lots of noise in the mornings to..Im alwasy glad to hear mine popping and least that means there still moving
  16. tapeworm


    Why put ramps on trailers anyhow?? Any horse that cant step up in a trailer not worth hauling
  17. tapeworm

    anyone ever been on a run away horse?

    Cypress farm:" 2. Always saddle your own horse. " You said a moutfull there...dontever let anybody else saddle your horses or handle your guns
  18. tapeworm

    Merry Christmas to all

    Hey alan..I hope you include me in that Merry Christmas. LOL Merry Christmas to you and your family to Alan Merry Christmas all!!
  19. tapeworm

    anyone ever been on a run away horse?

    Linda::"Funny, that spur seems to get their attention when nothing else will. " Linda it sure is nice to hear a lady talk about using spurs. Seems like to many folks now days think thats just cruel...judishous use of a spur is about manners and respect...not being cruel..same as spanking kids...
  20. tapeworm

    Mineral feeder

    Hello again J..not what I meant....I meant that any time ive ever tried to get horses to stick there head in tight places they never did like it. Sorry folks...sometimes I need a translater on here