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  1. cypressfarms


    Monday we’re supposed to have a low of 9 or 10. This is not right. I live in Louisiana to sweat.
  2. cypressfarms

    Georgia run off today.................

    Please enlighten me as to what really happened Hurley
  3. cypressfarms

    copperhead ate frog

    Copperheads are mean snakes. When I was 14, I got bit, then my best friend two weeks later by copperheads. I've seen rattlers and moccasins run if they have an escape route. I've also seen copperheads attack. Lucky (at least for me when I was 14), they're not very venomous.
  4. cypressfarms


    Go! I just had my oldest of three graduate last Saturday. That's a "life event". She'll never forget it. Ever. By you going it may show her that the mature thing is to bite your lip and do things that aren't necessarily pleasant. She's not mature yet - I don't care what she thinks, lol...
  5. cypressfarms

    Have you ever seen this

    Wonder if the crows could be trained to only kill poisionous snakes? Chicken snakes do way more good than harm...
  6. cypressfarms


    I'm really happy for all the texas cattlemen/women out there. They've suffered so many years with droughts, they are way over due. Not to downplay the droughts in the other states; I'm happy for all. Another reason I'm happy is that the hay prices will drop, and the cattle prices will rise for...
  7. cypressfarms

    How Can I Remove Decals From My Truck

    Buddy of mine swears by WD 40; but that same buddy has told some tall ones!
  8. cypressfarms

    Book Recomendation funny

    "WIN" friends; that is funny! The best book I've read in a while was by O'Reilly - "killing Lincoln".
  9. cypressfarms

    Don't ever

    Hadn't been on in forever, but when I saw 'ol Caustic had went under the knife I had to wish him well! Get well you 'ol coot!
  10. cypressfarms

    I want this car!

    I have a friend that went to a Barret Jackson ( he flew to Reno) just to buy a red '57 convertible. Cost him $75,000, and he got a deal. A fully restored convertible would normally bring around $100,000 - but the car market has been down a little with the economy. My dream would be a 1968...
  11. cypressfarms

    It's gettin real bad here

    I never thought good 'ol Louisiana would be this dry. In the summer we usually can set the clock by the afternoon thunderstorms (from the moisture coming in off the gulf). My pasture now has no bermuda, period - it died a LONG time ago. The only thing hanging on is the bahia, and it's not...
  12. cypressfarms

    Come on Morganza spillway!!!!

    You know fisher, every year (spring) the Mississippi goes way up because of the snowfall melt up north (although rarely this high). That would be a good idea to divert some of the flow to Texas. They sure need it. There is a control structure that diverts a percentage of the Mississippi into the...
  13. cypressfarms

    Come on Morganza spillway!!!!

    2 gates open now, everything appears fine. At full capacity, the spillway can release 600,000 cubic feet per second, or enough to fill a football field 10 feet high every second. I've been driving over this structure all my live (La Hwy 1 goes right over it), fishing and hunting around it, but...
  14. cypressfarms

    Come on Morganza spillway!!!!

    It's been on the news, but the Mississippi is higher than I've ever seen it. I drove to check on my parents at daylight, and crossed the spillway bridge. The water is only about 3 or 4 feet from topping he levee. Scary high. They corps of engineers were sandbagging. At the control locks of the...
  15. cypressfarms

    Building/maintaining websites - how hard?

    Really good point! My wife is a computer programmer; she did a website for me. She says the same thing all the time - If your website isn't where people will get to it, everything is wasted.
  16. cypressfarms


    I'm starting to feel fortunate Vette!!!
  17. cypressfarms


    My wife brought Craigslist up - I may have to go that route. Our next "contract extension", later this month, was supposed to be my wife's time to get an i phone. About right, both daughters were first with i phones then then parents - that pay the bills.
  18. cypressfarms


    Just when I've gotten used to having an i phone, learning all of my favorite apps, I go and lose the things yesterday evening. AT&T tells me it'll cost $299 for a new one. Bummer. Just when I was actually coming into the "now" age - playing games with my kids, texting them, checking the...
  19. cypressfarms

    Barrett-Jackson Automobile Auction

    O.k., I'm curious! What year? SS? What engine? I'd love to ride in a SS 454 one day; but who wouldn't?
  20. cypressfarms

    My latest

    No video that I know of. I give lessons and let the student video it if they want so they can practice to later. Haven't seen me pop up on you tube yet. I'm not the type to do instructional videos on you tube anyway. I couldn't agree more - when I give lessons I always include at least one...