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  1. C

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    Looks like we may be in another drought year, weather people says weather patterns are the same as it was in 2011 , the was a very bad and expensive yeah.
  2. C

    County Road

  3. C

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    The only good thing about these face masks is, you don’t have worry about hangin buggers :hide:
  4. C

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    Mine are 1990-1995-2012-2013 my tractors are 1963-1979-1980- 1980 I just bought a new tractor 1990
  5. C


    Our County will be removing our Confederate Monument that was put there 100 years ago, causing division within the the citizens, the movement was created by some out out County people , mostly young and a few local blacks that have hard feelings against Whites. Strange for a 100 years the...
  6. C

    Pay no attention to this post

    A cat sleeps so much when it is 9 years old it has only been awake 3 years. A human sleeps a third or more of their life away and spends several hours a day eating and sitting on the pot, no wonder it is so hard to get a job finished. :hide:
  7. C

    Buying equipment at tax foreclosure auction

    In Texas when buying trucks or equipment at a tax foreclosure sale, how does one know that it is not a first lien on item. When buying property. One can research at the county clerk office, but not knowing anything about the truck or equipment or where it was bought or if someone has first lien...
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    Pay no attention to this post

    I had something important to contribute, but I forgot what it was before I could post it. Age is catching up with me. :cboy:
  9. C

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    Did you know years ago William Shatner was diagnosed with a sleep disorder and he is 89 years old. :pop:
  10. C

    Boredom seems to be a crisis

    I agree so long as I can get supplies I have plenty to do. I remember my parents say the were rationed gas , could not get tires, iron was gathered up and made into weapons of war. Most county folks did not have electricity or running water so it was not much different than everyday living...
  11. C

    Half azz employees

    I have been out of the work force for 15 years , the employee situation was changing for the worse then, now when I talk to any supervisor or company owner they say nobody wants to work, do a terrible job etc. If they fire them , it is impossible to find a replacement, so they just keep the...
  12. C

    Toilet Paper Shortage..........

    Toilet bodae is what we need, they are $290 up, I did not know what a bodae was till I watched Crocodile Dundee. I think next time I replace my toilet I will get one. :cboy:
  13. C

    Pay no attention to this post

    Why do people say the wind is getting up when it blowing sideways. :hide:
  14. C

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    Once in you life you may need a doctor, lawyler, Policeman or minister. But Three Times a Day You Need FARMER. :cboy:
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    Pay no attention to this post

    If a cow doesn’t produce milk , does that make her a milk dud or an udder failure? :hide:
  16. C

    Box Turtles and Toad Frogs and Bullfrogs.

    In Texas a bar ditch is the ditch that runs along beside the highway ,it is lower that the highway thus it is a drainage ditch. The ditch that the county or state mows also it is used for people to throw trash out of their car window, the expression Don’t mess with Texas was created from people...
  17. C

    Box Turtles and Toad Frogs and Bullfrogs.

    Numerous times I seen people stop their cars , walk to the middle of the Hwy to pick up and carry a turtle to the bar ditch. They risk their lives and other drivers lives to save the life of a turtle. If you have a flat tire no one stops to help, unless it is a pretty young woman in a short...
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    Box Turtles and Toad Frogs and Bullfrogs.

    Lot of little critters disappeared when the fire ants came in, now we have feral hogs that are destroying a lot critters also.
  19. C

    Cattle bonfire

    I used to burn all my brush piles at night, sure made a pretty scene, now civilization has moved in and someone will call the fire dept. and you will be fined $500 for an illegal burn. Texas sure is changing for the worst. :mad: