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  1. W

    Any Clown sightings in your area

    I have heard about several clown sightings around GA. None in my part of Middle GA.
  2. W


    Thank The Lord. Prayers continued for healing and complete recovery.
  3. W


    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
  4. W

    Long Way from 2011

    Haven't seen anything this green and lush in a while. Looks great!
  5. W

    Heat pumps?

    We have an American Standard that has been going 18 years with very few problems. May quit tonight, but so far it has done well. We had Trane before this at our old house, but did not like it as well.
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    The crazy train

    I saw this in the news and think it is terrible and certainly not fair. Criminals come out on top any way it goes. Too many rights lead to the downfall of a nation. That is happening in America right now. So sorry about your friend. He looked like a very nice person.
  7. W

    Keep your cows in our you could go to jail.

    I can see no excuse for this accident. The man should have gotten on up and got his bull back in the pasture. Then got to work on his fence. I sold a good bull a few years ago because he kept finding a way to get out and get with my cousin's bull to fight. I did not want him on the road to cause...
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    Water test

    Our health dept. tests for many things. We mainly wanted to check for arsenic, but many things were tested. All came back okay.
  9. W

    Water test

    Here in Middle GA we take ours to the Health Department. They send it off to be tested and then send us a report. We had ours tested a couple of years ago.
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    Memorial Day

    I had to explain the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans' Day to my husband tonight. He was ready to recognize all the veterans at church, too. He should know,as he is a veteran. Guess it was another senior moment. I doubt students know the difference. They were taught, but it just...
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    Bathroom debate: Check this out

    It is so sad to see how our young people think. They are willing to believe anything and afraid to speak up and say one is wrong. If we even have a country by the time these young people are ready to take over, I fear to even think what they will come up with. I know there are many great...
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    What wonderful news! No one can imagine how beautiful those words,are until they or a loved one have battled cancer and won. God is good!
  13. W

    Glue for Repairing Doll

    M-5's idea sounds really good. I had to mail my daughter's American Girl doll back years ago to get the head worked on. They sent her back dressed like she had really been in the hospital. I would definitely go with sending her to the hospital. Just make it a quick trip!
  14. W

    End of a good run.

    Sorry for your loss. I am guilty of holding on to some that I know need to go. You have certainly been blessed not to lose any for so many years. Hope you have a safe trip and things will go better when you get home. I have been watching my big cow that lost triplets the end of March last...
  15. W

    Anybody had cataract surgery

    Vision clears up in about three days. Unless you are nearsighted, you will be thankful. Can see really well far off now, but have to wear glasses for reading.
  16. W

    If You're Tired of Cattle.....

    One in my area of Middle GA tried alpacas, but did not keep them long.
  17. W

    Really bad night around here

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Very strange December weather here in Middle GA. Would not be surprised to see bad storms here before cold weather comes in next weekend. It has been to warm for winter.
  18. W

    Man I am ate up with Cabin fever.

    Sorry to hear this. Surely hope you will both feel much better soon and can enjoy Christmas.