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  1. Warren Allison


    Congrats to you and her, bless her heart! LOL😉😜
  2. Warren Allison

    Miserable weekend coming up

    Thanks for the reply. Ken, but I wish I had not read it til after Wednesday!
  3. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    Today, out of the 54 I got from Mike, all had calved...27 bulls and 27 heifers exactly. That almost never happens. Out of the 22 of ours that had May calves, there are 13 bulls and 9 heifers. Jan we had 3 calves born , and we will wean them and sell them in July. Feb we had 9 to sell in August...
  4. Warren Allison

    Miserable weekend coming up

    What is an "elevator", in dentistry?
  5. Warren Allison

    Miserable weekend coming up

    I had one root canal in 1990, and it is one of the 5 things I will never, EVER, do again. I am a fast learner. I had one root canal, one marriage, one divorce, rode one bull, and jumped out of an airplane one time. Don't won't no part of either of those things again!!!
  6. Warren Allison

    Miserable weekend coming up

    Not as miserable as I thought I would be. Setting that camper up down there was something I should have done years ago. We got down there about 7 last night. Amber came to my barn instead of Clay's, right while I was loading the horses on Scott's trailer( that I had borrowed last week. to haul...
  7. Warren Allison

    Miserable weekend coming up

    Tomorrow will be the 4th day, so I hope you are right. The knots on the gum on both sides busted last night. Tasted awful, but I noticed it does seem to hurt less now. Haven't taken a pain pill since this morning, and I won't til I get down there this evening. , Will be leaving in a little...
  8. Warren Allison

    Miserable weekend coming up

    Last weekend, starting Friday night, I got the mac daddy of all toothaches. Yeah, hit me a couple hours after my dentist closed. Monday being a holiday, they weren't open then either, and for 3 days I was suffering bad, Had to self-medicate, and still didn't sleep for 3 nights. Tuesday...
  9. Warren Allison

    Old fashioned off grid incubator

    We are using a couple of game hens to set on some pheasant eggs, and some bantams to set quail eggs. These hens run free around the pole barn on the Kudzu place, and forage out in it during the day, Those quail and pheasants they raise stand a much better chance of surviving predators, than...
  10. Warren Allison

    My Memorial weekend so far.

    Yesterday, I carried my camper down to the Kudzu place. Got a dude gonna pour a pad in the pole barn, and put in a 50 amp RV hookup, water hook-up, and run a septic line for me. We already have power and water there. Just gonna run a grey water line out to the ditch, but he is gonna put in a 55...
  11. Warren Allison

    All I need is......

    They put these out every year at the start of summer., leading up to the 4th.
  12. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    Dang. @MurraysMutts , reading what I posted above, I kinda reminded myself of this! ROFLMFAO!
  13. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    Well.....technically..... I am actually, in effect, trading 120 of my Corrs for about 250 of his. But yeah, I will be buying about 150 more of his over this year. But, Corrs don't actually count. There is ZERO work or inputs to just turn them out and double or triple what you paid...
  14. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    When I first told Scott about this, he said: " Hell, you ought to sell your Corrientes, and we could go ahead and get 120 more of his, before I get these pastures converted". I told Scott to "just sit tight, and let Mike chew on this a little more. I have known him 50 years, and he is bad to...
  15. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    Thanks so much for sending this. I think the Bulldog 805 is what we will use initially. Sowing these on established bermuda plots, we won't be using Round Up. However with a dormancy rating of 8, we could still use Alfagraze even if we won't be applying Round Up. With 8 fields to sow over...
  16. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    I found it. It is called "Alfagraze 600 RR", and was developed by UGA's Joe Bouton as well. It is Roundup Ready and has a fall dormancy rating of 6. I also found out that Bouton has developed another version of Bulldog 505..... called Bulldog 805.....that can be planted further south, and has...
  17. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    Well, Scott got the Tifton 85 sprigged about 10 days ago, about 50 of the 100 acres. This fall we will plant Bulldog 505 alfalfa in it, too. The other 50 acres he sowed in Argentina and Pensacola Bahia, and clover. They have had 3 or 4 good heavy rains down there, and both stands are doing...
  18. Warren Allison

    Another..."last" update.

    We sorted out 55 heavy breds yesterday, I am carrying 54 down there Friday. One calved this morning, and I won't carry that pair. Don't seem right to me to carry a calf he already has, and him pay me $1200 to get it back in 6 mos. Though Mike would have been ok with it. Gonna get there early...
  19. Warren Allison

    And it Begins

    Arrow. Lakota would coat their arrow heads with feces. If you weren't hit in a vital organ and bled out fast, infection would get you days later.