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  1. Kathie in Thorp

    DAVE in Washington . . . .

    . . . . I hear you've got some fire activity that's probably not too far from you. Are you okay? Kathie
  2. Kathie in Thorp

    Shipping cattle, costs, etc . . . . . ??

    So, I posted on a couple cattle-related FB pages in the Pac NW, and got a response from a guy in Oregon. He's scheduled to haul a semi load of cattle to central TX in Feb. or March (depending on weather and when calves are ready to haul). He normally charges $4/loaded mile. But he didn't have...
  3. Kathie in Thorp

    Shipping cattle, costs, etc . . . . . ??

    Thanks everyone. DLD, I thought about Denver . . . there are some folks in this area that haul over to show, and I checked with them. But they aren't showing there this year.
  4. Kathie in Thorp

    Shipping cattle, costs, etc . . . . . ??

    No, not FB cattle -- someone I've known for years. Problem is, this breed of cattle (British white) . . . there ain't many around our neck of the woods.
  5. Kathie in Thorp

    Shipping cattle, costs, etc . . . . . ??

    There are several of us out here in the Pac NW thinking about buying some cattle from E. Texas. Near as I can figure, that's just over 2,300 miles and over 30 hrs., from there (near our friend Caustic) to approx. 100 miles east of Seattle, with a couple possible routes on major freeways. When...
  6. Kathie in Thorp


    I'm so sorry to hear this news, Greybeard! :( Our prayers will continue.
  7. Kathie in Thorp

    What is killing my chickens?

    You sure that's not a big cat? You weren't just hoping it was a racoon? Whatever . . . . Whatever your dog chased up a tree near your chicken pen is probably your culprit, but I'll be mighty disappointed if it wasn't a cat or the chupacabra, and just a sneaky coon.
  8. Kathie in Thorp


  9. Kathie in Thorp

    chicken predators

    Yeah, that's only a Federal offense for any hawks or eagles. Our owls are normally night-timers only, and our hens are locked inside at night.
  10. Kathie in Thorp

    chicken predators

    We've found headless chickens before -- in the run, not in the coop. We've shot racoons and trapped skunks. But pretty sure our headless wonders were either attributable to big owls, eagles or hawks.
  11. Kathie in Thorp

    first my twin, now my turn--quad bypass

    Greybeard, I can never think of the right thing to say that sounds comforting or supportive. Just sounds so HUGE, what you're going through. But, sounds like you're doing better and so glad to hear that, and prayers are out there for you and yours.
  12. Kathie in Thorp

    Prayers for my vacation

    You are yours are in our prayers, Gunner, and I hope your vacation is everything you want it to be!
  13. Kathie in Thorp


    Prayers and positive thoughts for your brother, you and your family!
  14. Kathie in Thorp

    WA guy: Taxidermy and weird animal stuff ??

    Who's the WA guy that does taxidermy, and also collects strange/weird livestock anomolies? PM. Have a potential for you.
  15. Kathie in Thorp

    Happy Fathers Day

    Yes, Happy Father's Day to all you dads and grandpas and step-dads and the men who stand in for a dad! Hope you all have a great day and get lots of hugs (and good groceries)!!
  16. Kathie in Thorp

    what do you consider the most dangerous

    Yep; that's what I thought . . . . Pablo.
  17. Kathie in Thorp

    what do you consider the most dangerous

    That was probably Pablo Escobar. ??
  18. Kathie in Thorp

    9 day countdown...

    Congrats, Milkmaid! Idaho will be lucky to have you back.
  19. Kathie in Thorp

    An expensive improvement . . . .

    . . . . Is for us, anyway, but a good one. Just finishing up laying in about 3,000+ ft. of 4" mainline, buried 4 ft. under, to get irrigation coverage through our long and narrow piece of ground that's divided into about 4 pieces currently. We can x-fence the biggest chunk. We'll use a couple...
  20. Kathie in Thorp

    Yank my chain!!!!

    This gripes me to the max! I've had a couple people contact me, wanting to know if I had feeder/stocker steers. I have none for sale. I've referred them to someone else I know that has great cattle, but wants market price for them (white cattle). So the wanter contacts the potential seller, and...