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  1. 4

    Old fashioned off grid incubator

    We find that if you sit with the chicks in the evening before they coop, until they feather, they dont have the tendency to chase or protect. We have been raising them this way for about 5 or 6 years. We have had as many as 40 Buff Orpington in the yard. No rooster problems. Have about 20 hens...
  2. 4


    Just had that happen to us in the front pasture. 8ft deep 2.5ft around. There was an old homesite and well there. We are lucky enough to ask the neighbor, she grew up here 80+ years ago. It was her grandparents farm. Wonder if it would be worth it to dig it out and have a well again...
  3. 4

    All I need is......

    I was always that guy that would take seconds, instead of desert. I love a good creation from scratch, sweet or not. I'm very picky about food. We were poor growing up, sweets didn't keep you full for long.
  4. 4

    T-post one, me zero

    Hope you feel better soon....... just wanted to let you know that my post pounder hates me too.
  5. 4

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    Reading a JW book at this time. Says he used to ride his horse to school everyday back when his family moved out to California in the 1910s. Had that horse for decades, made a life size memorial late in his life on his family property. interesting life he had. We need more men with his values.
  6. 4

    Fun in East Texas

    We had quarter size hail 2 times 2 days ago. We were tucking in the animals and were stuck in the greenhouse for about 15 min just before dark. No damage for us. Hope all is as it was before the storm for you CB. Some of the craziest weather I have ever seen.
  7. 4

    My rant for the day

    Cookie Cutter Trials. Farmboy life after service, in a dull neighborhood.
  8. 4


    Not bragging or showing off. I built mine out of the cedars that fell over the fences during the tornadoes a few years back. Used green 4 wire for the new one. We like it, don't really care what others think. Don't think the cows care, well, never told me anything anyway.... maybe they make fun...
  9. 4


    I do believe that along time ago here in the US, the land was also measured in chains. Many old family farms we walked across, still used this as measurement.
  10. 4

    My rant for the day

    Had one in our small south chicago neighborhood. LoL! When I was growing up. Cant remember seeing one during the highschool years, then again, I cant really remember high school.....
  11. 4

    What is it ?

    Saw one in person at an antique store this past week. Was about 2in by 2in square head, but the cutting edge was a primitive fork. Cool no doubt, but the price was over my wallets capability...
  12. 4

    What is unique about this tool?

    Had them angle lights with the multiple lenses in the army, green of course.
  13. 4

    Got my wood up

    So lucky this year the weather wasnt very cold for long....... I slacked off in splitting wood this year.
  14. 4


    She cooks for him daily, can you imagine feeding this beast! LoL Very nice GB! It was worth the effort.
  15. 4

    Egg farm catches on fire

    Gotta get the prices back up I guess...... $$$ is the reason, its all I see when a food production or processer goes up in flames.
  16. 4

    It worked.........

    Good, I like cows more than most people......
  17. 4

    What is it ?

    Thick cut cubed steak? Beat it and cut it to pan size, makes sense.
  18. 4

    Soaking up the sunshine

    The more that fall as time passes reduces the wind block for the rest. In turn, more trees fall.
  19. 4

    Soaking up the sunshine

    I see it often when one of the boys rest by sticking a horn in the ground. How are we supposed to be calm???
  20. 4

    Soaking up the sunshine

    was a really nice day. I took this one at high noon. Shadows are still longer than the trees are tall. Speaking of..... What ever happened to high noon? I remember as a kid using/hearing the term all the time. I noticed in the past few years there isn't one, a high noon, as your pictures...