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  1. 3waycross

    Moved and have tentatively opted to change my whole life..

    Good luck with your next chapter of life. In a similar situation myself.
  2. 3waycross

    The next pandemic

    If you didn't attend a Gay Rave in Paris you're probably safe.
  3. 3waycross

    One party rule

    crickets..nothing but crickets!
  4. 3waycross

    One party rule

    and there lies the lie and the irony.....the lie that Kavanaugh was satan by the long dem knives and the irony that they are once again exposed for their hypocrisy...btw if you're going to quote me don't massage my words or delete them to suit your purpose
  5. 3waycross

    One party rule

    What party did Harry Reid belong to when he ended the Judicial filibuster? Why is that same party throwing open the southern border to all comers, which party just declared that no amendments in the constitution are untouchable, which president when on the campaign trail said he was against...
  6. 3waycross

    One party rule

    Your concern is well warranted my friend. As to the dissenters I am reminded of the old saying,"Don't pi$$ on my head and try to convince me that it's raining"
  7. 3waycross

    The Patriot Party

    Who also have little if anything in common. She is about 99% socialist. And for the record I liked Trumps policies and deeds. I did not like the fact that he was basically inarticulate. The fact that you talk a lot doesn't mean you are communicating. He was truly the architect of his own demise.
  8. 3waycross

    Stand for America

    Of course when talking about facts you conveniently skip the "fact" that they are already illegal!
  9. 3waycross

    Cannabis burger...............

    It's a one stop shop! You get the munchies and food at the same time!
  10. 3waycross

    Advice for building in ground pool?

    I have always heard that the 2 best days of a pool owners life are the day it's built and the day it's filled in...just sayin!
  11. 3waycross

    Good Western Novelist

    An old timer I grew up with named Steve Frazee.....wrote some good westerns back in the 50's and 60's.
  12. 3waycross

    speaking of libraries- fav book or author

    Don't know if ya'll have heard about Robert Redford and Jane Fonda making a new movie in Southern Colorado but it is going to be made about the last book written by one of my favorite authors, Kent Haruf. He writes about rural Colorado and does it very well. His books are kind of dark but very...
  13. 3waycross

    Pack Rats

    My buddy wiped his out a few years ago. I'll ask him what kind of bait he used. He still keeps it out everywhere.
  14. 3waycross

    Thief Got Busted!

    Jo is not that far off. In fact I totally agree. The worst screwin's I have had in my career have been from the worst bible thumpers. They actually seem to think that Jesus only loves them and the rest of us are cannon fodder. Big difference between a PROFESSED CHRISTIAN and a Christian heart.
  15. 3waycross

    Not been around much

    Sorry for your loss Chris. It's a terrible thing to die that young.
  16. 3waycross

    Nice Kitty..................................................

    That sob would be graveyard dead if he came after me like that.
  17. 3waycross

    Craigslist prize bulls

    How can you tell he hasn't even been born yet?
  18. 3waycross

    Fixin to get interesting.

    Based on the picture I saw of the babydaddy he was no Blonde'aquitaine........more like one of those Florida Cracker Cows Cracker Blonde
  19. 3waycross

    mumblety peg

    Same game! Not a good game to play with hightop Converse Basketball shoes on.
  20. 3waycross

    mumblety peg

    We played both. Regular tops and killer tops. We played marbles two ways too rings and chase. I still have a couple of my tops from gradeschool. The only game we played with knives was a stretch game where you made the other guy stretch. I forget the rules. Funny thing is we played it on the...