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  1. 1

    Solar Farms

    Solar here in Alberta is not so easy to pay for if you are grid-tied, not on the grid by not far and it makes total sense. The subsidy makes it pay off pretty quick here too. For Pumps etc it is way cheaper to run solar than a gas pump. That is with panels here being way more expensive than...
  2. 1

    Solar Farms

    If solar was placed onto roofs it would be so much better. There are more roofs in the world than we need in area to make all the power we need. Not only that but any power station that generates power away from the use leads to a loss in transmission. Solar does also not need any government...
  3. 1

    Tillerson Out; Pompeo In

    You should have people that can argue their point but the team reach consensus. Way too many want to have yes people to preen their ego.
  4. 1

    Going to far IMO..........

    I agree with the general principle of not having a male shower and sleep with young girls, how ever banning fathers from camp totally is way too far. i think it is very sad that fathers would be prevented from having time with their daughters.
  5. 1

    "Pink Slime" vindicated- fake news is all it was....

    "pink slime" yuck and should be banned, but a nice blood sausage with breakfast now :D :D :D I do not think that we should be processing food the way these large companies do. They do not care about the beef industry and see not reason to support them. In fact if the likes of Tyson and JBS...
  6. 1

    So ashamed. I forgot all about Earth Day.

    I struggle with this one. Give the person a bowl of food and he eats today, give him a hoe and he can eat tomorrow, but when our government was acting behind the curtain to create the war so he can not plant his crop, then maybe we should be feeding him.
  7. 1

    So ashamed. I forgot all about Earth Day.

    subsidy like the banks, automotive, and farming you mean? While solar and wind have issues with supplies so does coal. it cost a lot of money and takes a lot of time to run a coal or nuclear fired power station up or down. What is required is smart meters that use the power that is in excess to...
  8. 1

    So ashamed. I forgot all about Earth Day.

    Ok so any one with any commonsense should understand that the gopher hole was not worth very much cash. However US agriculture is very inefficient in the use of resources in the main. Read about soils and soil degradation, or red about the yields achieved by gardeners in third world countries...
  9. 1

    Get ready for another hit on beef prices

    This is the problem, compare the average omnivore with a health conscious person they will not live as long, weather that health conscious person eats meat or not. The studies do not look at this, they just lump the general population against the health conscious vegan. Not really looking at...
  10. 1

    Will be arrested for living off grid, on his land.

    True but then they are also not having to incur costs either. I am sure there could be a simple solution. The restrictions on what people can do not their private land are ridiculous. No veg garden, no poultry, limited on number and type of pets, no restricting or catching rain water...
  11. 1

    Technology in your pasture

    Fully agree Aaron, we farmed the home farm from 1945 till 2012, 4 generations. On that 180 acres I would have been close to a yield monitor, my father and grand father would have been as accurate if not more so, and known why. Computers are great, and we need them as we just can not learn the...
  12. 1

    Shipping container for storage

    They can get really hot inside, a roof can really help
  13. 1

    Occupy Monsanto by Mark Barnett

    :D Great song, but I think I like the natural way much better :D
  14. 1

    Great News!

    Well done, :clap: :clap: :clap:
  15. 1

    Layout for new cattle area

    I would not use stalls, just build up a straw pack inside the shed where they sleep.
  16. 1

    What's wrong with this picture

    fully agree with you, and what is their excuse? The welfare problem is a serious one and some how it does need sorted, and I do not think you can blame individual kids in general, their parents, grand parents etc are the cause.
  17. 1

    Thomas Jefferson

    He was a very clever man, thanks CB
  18. 1


    Depends on the temperature, bare feet in summer, socks most of the time. Most houses I would leave my shoes at the door, but I would wear socks,
  19. 1

    I was a scrawny kid

    I was there some where too, or until I spent best part of 4 years at a desk. Then went up to 230. Knees did not like that so much, cattle work got me back down to 185, and no pain now :)