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  1. W

    Dog is losing her eye

    Over my 45+ years of small animal practice, I have had many totally blind patients. Had several that had both eyes enucleated for various reasons. Dogs do exceptionally well without sight if they are in consistent environment. Their sense of smell is so great that they nearly see with their...
  2. W

    dog ear infection

    Nothing wrong using mineral oil as cleaner. My opinion, I dont want put oil in area I want to dry up, and most ear infections of moist character. Old time ear wash was rubbing alcohol/hydrogen peroxide 50/50, but if have raw areas will be uncomfortable for dog. Lots treatment products are in...
  3. W

    dog ear infection

    Ear Infections in dogs can be simple, complex, multifaceted. Lots breeds predisposed. Dog ear is cone shaped going into the head. Any inflammation, discharge drains deep instead of draining out. It can range anywhere from a simple bacterial or fungal infection to a multifaceted infection...
  4. W

    Anyone ever put a dog on wheels?

    GB and M. Magis, Don't kick Yourself, nor complain what You spent. Think both went the extra mile. Have many times had to call owners mid surgery with terminal conditions. The only ones I regret are ones owners refused my recommendations to not wake up. Magis You did not spend $1200 to put...
  5. W

    Anyone ever put a dog on wheels?

    GB, Did this for one my dogs (Corgi) diagnosed with progressive neurological issue. Feel it gave him an additional 9 months that he appeared to enjoy. Did not work well around obstacles in house, but was able to take him outside to urinate defecate on his own. In early stages would let him...
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    Growing pains........Dog

    Day late/dollar short on this. Need to pay more attention to this forum topic. FYI there is condition in young dogs "Panosteitis" that presents itself as being very painful. Patient appears as if fracture or at least deep bone bruise. Good recovery with treatment, recover with only rest...
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    Need Help with Puppies

    Wonder if this problem resolved . As many of You, took time to respond + sent private message. Got no dog in this hunt, but would be nice to know outcome. and if I helped or hindered.
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    Need Help with Puppies

    Been able to get pups nursing ??? Make sure they are warm, heating pad covered by towel or blanket. First litter for dog ??? Sometime first litter if c'section take while for maternal instincts to kick in. Depending on anesthetic used for surgery, varying time until fully recover, check back...