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  1. S

    Where to buy cracked corn

    TSC and most feed stores sell cracked corn but if you're looking for cheap that could be hard to find.
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    $8.10 corn price today!!!

    Two local mills here are offering $8.70 for corn this morning . Corn delivered to lancaster county mills is over $9.00
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    Feeding 3 Month Old Steer

    He needs a buddy .
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    finishing a steer question

    Sometimes it takes a little while for them to eat grain if they never had grain before , molasses in the feed helps , years ago when we got calves up from virginia we had a batch that wouldn't eat grain and an old neighbor stopped in he said whenever he got cattle in that weren't used to grain...
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    Potatoe waste

    When I grew potatoes I fed culls when I did'nt have sale for them , when I fed them to steers the feed salesman said as long I didn't go over 10lbs per head per day they would be fine . when I fed them to cows they sometimes got more than that , I never had any problems feeding potatoes. But I...
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    soybean vines

    I use bean stalks for bedding , when you put them in the cows and even little calves will stsart eating them.
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    my beef cattle is not eating any hay

    It might help if you get him a buddy , cattle are herd animals and don't do as good alone.
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    Grinding corn cob and all?

    Ground ear corn makes good cattle feed . If are picking corn up off the ground make sure it is dry before you grind it. If you don't grind more than what you can feed in a few days a little moisture won't hurt . If it laid on the ground through some heavy rain it could be pretty wet . normally...
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    Withdrawl time

    I think most antibiotics have a 30 day witdrawal time but there may be some that are longer .
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    Eating heifers

    The last three animals we kept for our own use were from the same cow , a red angus simm cross , the 1st two were heifers and the last one was a steer , all were good but I think the steer might be a little more tender.
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    How Much Hay Should I Buy

    I take them off milk at 8 weeks as long as they they are eating enough grain , then we feed grain at 2-2.5% of their body wieght and good grass hay is fed free choice . after we wean calves , either from the cow or from the bucket , they are in the barn and don't see pasture anymore. You could...
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    Steer or Bull? Is the taste different?

    A bull won't have as much fat as a steer and won't have the marbling a steer will have. That marbling adds to the flavor of the meat .
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    Creep ration for young calves

    I think the corn should be cracked or coarsely ground , I grind through a 1/2 inch screen , I use corn oats and barley plus some soybean meal as a creep feed . If you can get molases that would help make it more palatable and they might like it better if they're not used to grain.
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    Corn Hits Record High

    Yesterday at lunchtime I caught part of the feeder sale on RFD , prices were still over $1.00 with one lot being sold at 1.30, most feedlots use silage as the main part of their ration but the costs to produce that silage have doubled in the past year . If the fat cattle market doesn't soon pick...
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    california bander

    I use tetnas toxiod when I band.
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    Liquid Feed Over Grain??

    I don't think anything would encourage me to use liquid feed supplements because most of them use urea as the protien source , My father always stayed away from urea years ago when we fed steers and I guess it stuck with me , I don't feed urea. I use soybean meal for protien and as the bean...
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    You got a lot of good info here on what antibiotics to give them, The only other thing I would do is keep them away from your other cattle( if you have any ) for at least 2-4 weeks until you know everything is okay.
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    Off Feed

    Check their temps just to make sure you don't have other problems.
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    Getting a calf to take a bottle....

    Put milk on your finger and let him suck on that, then when he has the taste for it put milk on the outside of the nipple and give him the bottle , that has helped for me.
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    weevils in wheat

    Was this wheat that was to be used for seed? if it wasn't treated it would be fine to feed it , but if it was treated it shouldn't be fed.