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  1. K

    automatic waterers

    We have Freedom Fountains (like miramount) as long as you use a 3 - 4 foot heat tube in the bottom seems to work pretty good. Never had one to freeze even at 5 degrees. Only problem I ever had was with heavy sleet. We had to stomp the balls down and then the loose ice didn't let the balls seal...
  2. K

    feed question

    Thanks for the info. The last load I bought, with molasses, was $130 per ton. I don't think they have cottonseed meal around these parts. There is only one mill around here (42 miles) so you take what they have.
  3. K

    feed question

    They are not picky at all, usually not enough left to feed a mouse. It sounds like your telling me to stick with the cracked or rolled corn. You talked about acidosis, is that caused more by the gluten than the finer corn? I have had no problems with this feed mix and only use it during the...
  4. K

    feed question

    Im not sure what the protien content is. I don't have the ticket from the last batch but best I can remember it was 1000lbs corn,600 lbs corn gluten,400 lbs soy bean hull pellets, minerals, and vitamens per ton.
  5. K

    feed question

    I will be ordering some feed next month and was wondering about how to have the corn done. My local ext. agent says that even if it looks like whole corn comes out pretty much the way it goes in that most of the nutrients are absorbed. I was wondering if getting half cracked and half ground corn...
  6. K

    stopping cattle from wasting hay

    We feed square bales in our hay ring and have fair amount of waste. Do the hay rings that are enclosed on the bottom half save much hay? I have watched the hay blow out about as fast as I could dump it in on some of those real windy days.
  7. K

    how much mineral per ton of feed?

    You know it never ceases to amaze me that some folks think they have to have an arrogant answer when someone asks for help. If I knew all the answers I wouldn't have to ask questions. Dun, thank you for your patience with us ignorant folks. I will ask the agent what he thinks. As they close...
  8. K

    how much mineral per ton of feed?

    I am feeding 8 pregnant cows. The bags of mineral are 50lbs. and are whats recommended for my area by the county extension agent. The hay I have I cut from 3 different farms at three different times of the summer. Some good some not so good. I'm in a small town and the feed mill doesn't analyze...
  9. K

    how much mineral per ton of feed?

    The next time I get feed I want to add the mineral directly to it when its being mixed. How much mineral do I add per ton? My cows continue to eat loose mineral like candy so I thought if I added it to the feed it would be more evenly consumed. That and the fact that the cost of mineral is...
  10. K

    What do I need to add?

    Dun; Thanks for the reply. Is the pasture mix that I have been using more than I need? Is there any benifit to the liquid feed? I'm not sure if I can get the liquid feed that isn't urea based in my part of Kentucky anyway.
  11. K

    What do I need to add?

    This years hay was not as good as usual thanks to the dry weather. I have 8 cows that should calve around April -May and was wondering what would be best to supplement my hay. I will be giving them a 12% "pasture mix" (ground corn,soy bean pellets,corn gluten etc.). What about liquid feed or...
  12. K

    too late to cut?

    What a fun year. First the baler has a major breakdown then the tractor takes a ride into a tree. Baler is fixed and have another tractor. I have about 20 acres of hay I am going to cut, is it going to be worth anything nutritionally. Of course it has all gone to seed and is brown on top. I know...
  13. K

    Sericea Lespedeza

    DON'T DO IT. I have this miserable stuff. Cows will eat it up to six inches tall, after that forget it. It takes over everything and is all but impossible to get rid of. You might as well plant thistles.
  14. K

    need help with hay field

    My 10 acre field was in tobacco 5 years ago and reseeded with orchard&fescue grass. It never did very good. Last spring I winter seeded with clover. Field is better but so so. I am waiting to get my soil test back any day. I have no access to any equipment other than a seeder for my 3 pt. hitch...