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  1. K

    Sweet corn silage

    Good catch. He said 20,000 lbs, not 20t. So that would make it 143 lb per day per head according to him. So at $ 9.25/ton thats $0.66 per head per day? I'm thinking its worth trying a load.
  2. K

    Whole soybeans

    From what i remember reading on it theres something in raw soybeans that is counterproductive to growth so they needed to be roasted first. Seems to be plenty of articles about it on the Google. I came to the conclusion it was better to sell the beans and buy back feed but a have been wrong...
  3. K

    Sweet corn silage

    I've never tested a lick of anything. I assume the extension agent would be able to help out there? Never talked to him/her either. Guy I talked to about trucking said he feeds about 20 ton to ten cows in two weeks. I'd be feeding 10 and a yearling heifer plus 4 horses with them for the...
  4. K

    Sweet corn silage

    I have not tested. Not really trying to replace hay altogether just make it last longer. Its looking like i am going to be short on hay for the winter. I suppose the only way to know is either test or try it
  5. K

    Sweet corn silage

    Didn't see much on this topic when i searched it. Anyone do it? I can get it delivered for under $10 a ton. Not sure how much of that is water tho. Just cannery waste, husks, cobs and maybe a few kernels. Would it pay vs buying hay? Feeding april calving breds with calves just taken off
  6. K

    Pros and cons to raising jerseys for freezer beef....

    Took two jersey steers in last month- hanging weights were 684 and 640. Raised from bottle calves. Fed ground ear corn/barley, free choice hay and pasture. I'm not getting rich raising em but at worst it's better than putting cash in a bank. We never seem to have trouble finding buyers for...