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  1. wbvs58

    Number a bull can breed

    Young bulls will make them go round. Ken
  2. wbvs58

    Number a bull can breed

    They grow into the job. Ken
  3. wbvs58

    Bull testing

    Were your neighbours just using the one bull TC? I guess people get complacent but even if you didn't test in situations like that it is not that hard to write down cow numbers and dates of when the bull is wining and dining a lady and then check again in 3 weeks to make sure there is no more...
  4. wbvs58

    Oh, the drama!

    Sleeping on it is the best way to solve problems. Ken
  5. wbvs58

    Compound break

    If you decided to give it a go I would suggest not trying to set it just let it hang, maybe something adhesive over the wound at the most. Any attempt to splint or bandage may compromise an already marginal blood supply. Ken
  6. wbvs58

    Upside Down Calf

    Looks like a big calf. Ken
  7. wbvs58

    Busy 20 hours

    Now the heifers find out they have to work for a living. Ken
  8. wbvs58


    I like that calf 3rd photo down. Ken
  9. wbvs58

    One or Two?

    You were worried about twins but you probably got the combined weight of twins in the one package. Ken
  10. wbvs58

    The fun with heifers calving continues.

    Very nice, I think the biggest thing to worry about is not to be in too much of a hurry to interfere yourself, observe from a distance and most of the time their natural instincts will have the situation well under control. Ken
  11. wbvs58


    Uggg, the one upside down. Ken
  12. wbvs58

    Beef heifer breeding questions

    If you know when your show heifers were on heat I would wait a week before starting the proticol just to put them in a better stage to respond to the prostaglandin. Ken
  13. wbvs58

    Calf can’t walk

    A video would be good. Ken
  14. wbvs58

    Unsure of calving

    Won't hurt to check though not knowing what you are feeling might pose more questions for you to ponder. Ken
  15. wbvs58

    Wrong but consistant

    You can be a lot more accurate when you have a good idea of the breeding date. Ken
  16. wbvs58

    A few arriving.

    That landscape looks a lot different to other years Dave. Ken
  17. wbvs58

    Bull calf 2 weeks early No suck reflex.

    @Chuckie Milk EPD is only calculated from the weaning weight of her calves. Ken
  18. wbvs58

    New bull time

    Sounds like you are going up market a bit Murray. Ken
  19. wbvs58

    Atresia ani

    I had one years ago when I was starting with my herd from mixed sources and I believe this calf was BVD affected, whether a PI or later inutero infection where you just get defects. It was a runty calf not worth trying to save. Ken
  20. wbvs58

    Uterine Prolapse pics

    Just like shelling peas here. Ken