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    215# calf

    :o How's mom doing?
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    chance of a twin?

    I'm so very sorry about Mega. Glad she gave you that precious little Chester, that is a part of her. He looks like a go-getter! Prayers for you. Please keep us posted on Chester, & all your outstanding herd.
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    Calving season 2017 for me

    120 pounds :shock: Thanks for all the pics, Congrats to you & your girls :clap:
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    This is why we pelvic measure

    I'm sorry for your husband-it's really hard when it's your favorite. You try not to get attached, but it inevitably happens with some. I had to sell a favorite cow recently,& am still struggling to get over it. :cry:
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    Cow close to calving?

    Is your calf here yet? The waiting game is always tough :?
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    This is why we pelvic measure

    Interesting post, sorry about Rear end #2&3
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    Young cow

    Beautiful cows, pictures, & pasture. Neat to see the markings are passed on.Thanks for updates
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    Picture says it all!

    Sorry mncowboy, very sorry :frowns:
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    Picture says it all!

    So sorry for your loss, though it's horrific, at least you know. :frowns:
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    yr rd bull ruining timing?

    :clap: congrats
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    First Set of Twins

    Thanks Fire Sweep for the amazing story & pics,WOW! Really glad to hear you kept heifer twins & it worked out well.
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    I really like this start of spring

    Beautiful-that's exactly what a perfect spring looks like, thanks for pic
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    BW gestation length and winter

    Glad you posted this info-my temps been like yours, and 1 cow is already bagging up here too, a month + early! This will be her 2nd baby. I'll be paying much closer attention, Thanks.
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    Absolutely Beautiful twins, congrats to you & Roma! Thanks for pics. Please update on them. My vet told me there's actually a test that will determine if the female twin is fertile. The percentage is very low, but apparently there is a chance.
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    Cold weather calving

    Thank you for answering & providing the links.Glad they come in pink & blue :lol:
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    Cold weather calving

    Precious little thing! looking forward to new babies
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    Cold weather calving

    Calf coats?Never heard of such- Do you buy them or make them?Got my curiosity up
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    New calf question

    Thanks Rafter S! I tried to sleep well last night, but know I'll sleep better tonight because mom & baby are doing well & with the herd.
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    New calf question

    Williamsv, Thanks for your encouragement, and sharing that you worry too. I take a lot of grief for worrying about the babies & cows. They are both doing great today, & I'm so thankful.
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    New calf question

    TC Ranch, how bad was your hail damage? We missed the hail. Thanks for explaining how you care for your heifers. Obviously, I'm still learning. The new mama and her baby were with the herd this morning. Both look good! Thanks again.