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  1. milkmaid

    Vet ever miss one?

    Angus- Old cows tend to have a big uterus anyway, it's been stretched multiple times, so a 30-40 day pregnancy sometimes doesn't have enough fluid yet to make one horn larger than the other. If I don't know I'm looking for a really early pregnancy I'm not likely to spend the time slipping the...
  2. milkmaid

    Vet ever miss one?

    Depends on the vet/level of experience and stage of gestation.... I wouldn't miss a 60 day pregnancy on a heifer for sure, but I'd probably miss a 40 day on an old cow. I don't check many for work and most of what I do check are 160-200 days... the stage where they weigh enough to fall down into...
  3. milkmaid

    How early for C- section?

    We're talking about cows... if it can happen, it will. lol. :P
  4. milkmaid

    How early for C- section?

    Congrats - so far so good!
  5. milkmaid

    How early for C- section?

    For a local anesthetic no, it won't affect the calf... you're just blocking the area where the incision will be. It's how csections are traditionally done on a standing cow in the squeeze chute. (We don't do csections without anesthesia...) I wouldn't do sedation or general anesthesia since that...
  6. milkmaid

    How early for C- section?

    Alan I think if you decide to do a csection.... I'd give dexamethasone 12 hours before and prep the cow normally (clip, local anesthetic, etc). You have a much better chance of getting a live calf that way, than if it's oxygen deprived and stressed for 3 minutes until you find the uterus and get...
  7. milkmaid

    Vaginal prolapse

    I wouldn't keep that cow another year....
  8. milkmaid

    need more advice about my c-section girl

    Why did she need a csection this time? I worked somewhere they did csections on a regular basis on first calf heifers (no calving ease bulls), and they swore the heifers rebred with the rest of the herd and they didn't do any csections on second calf heifers. If you like the heifer otherwise...
  9. milkmaid

    Calf killing weather

    I'd give a lot for 40-50 degrees and raining right now. It's been -10 to 5'F above since Thursday. I was gifted with a dozen week-old calves and then some at the hospital today, walked through and sorted by shoot-now and maybe-shoot-later. I can fix a lot of problems but I can't fix frozen...
  10. milkmaid

    broken penis(s)

    Statistically you're about due.... That said - doesn't sound like the right diagnosis. A broken penis looks like an extreme amount of swelling in the sheath halfway between navel and testicles, they may want to breed but cannot extend. A traumatized end sounds like it's been stepped on.
  11. milkmaid

    At slaughter ... abnormalties in cow's reproductive tract ?

    Take pictures. 1. Find the reproductive tract - if you can't find it, possibly a freemartin. 2. Identify two uterine horns, two ovaries, one cervix - if all parts are not present, possibly a freemartin. If parts are not distinguishable, consider focal peritonitis, uterine abscess(es), etc. If...
  12. milkmaid

    Milk Fever

    And we always like to hear the follow up on the cow's recovery....
  13. milkmaid

    Cow thinks she is a bull

    Probably cystic but needs to hit the road with that long a history of not paying her way.
  14. milkmaid

    Do I HAVE to breed her?

    Keep in mind that a Char x Herf heifer that's never bred is going to grow significantly larger than the typical cow. Don't be at all surprised if she grows up to be 2000lbs or more. I saw a 7 year old straight Hereford steer (pet) a few months ago, who weighed close to 3000 and stood almost 6'...
  15. milkmaid

    injured bull

    Depends what he did to himself, but most penile hematomas will heal up with 60 days rest. Otherwise, congrats on your new bull!
  16. milkmaid


    So on those carcass traits... where do the values come from on yearling virgin bulls in a sale catalog? It can't be their actual progeny, right?
  17. milkmaid


    Couple EPD questions for y'all. #1 - What's the standard by which EPDs are calculated? Had someone ask me about where the "0" for CED, BW, WW, YW came from. #2- Nursing ratio - I get that the first number is the number of calves the cow has had (not counting ET calves, right?), but what is...
  18. milkmaid

    Mystery Ailment for Newborn Calf?

    I'd also quit the banamine - repeated use can lead to abomasal ulcers, and statistically there's no difference in the outcome of calves with scours or pneumonia when given banamine or not. So I don't see anything to be gained by giving it to this calf. Sounds like you're sitting at day 4 of the...
  19. milkmaid

    Mystery Ailment for Newborn Calf?

    How far back did you look for a cleft palate? they can be soft palate or hard palate, run your fingers back as far as you can. PDA is still normal first week or two of life, not always present but not an abnormal finding. A VSD would be an abnormal finding. Did the vet check her for a cleft palate?
  20. milkmaid

    calf coming head first, no feet question?

    I've seen quite a few head first/head and one leg presentations; fixed a few this past week. Some were presented that way because the calf died, some because of a lack of room (calf too large, calf in 575 lb feeder heifer, twins, etc). I like the head-first presentation much, much, better than...