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  1. branguscowgirl

    Heifer lost appetite after birth

    She could have retained a piece of afterbirth. If she goes off her feed, I would have the vet clean her out and puts some boluses in. But that's me, staying ahead of the game.
  2. branguscowgirl


    What!? Did you have some kind of arrangement with them to exchange the milk for board? I am not familiar with Dairy cattle, but don't you need a plan for the excess milk that they produce? More calves to put on them or milking?
  3. branguscowgirl

    That was disappointing.......and a question?

    If you are not prepared to get in there and help a heifer and to see what's going on when calving, that's alright. Sounds like you are new to this. But start with older, proven cows to be safer and to better your odds that nothing will happen. Meanwhile, read up all you can on birthing. And...
  4. branguscowgirl

    I really can't explain it.

    Glad there was a happy ending! I have been having some tight areas cut out of this feed wagon that I bought. Just trying to anticipate any place that they could get a head stuck in. Unfortunately no matter how careful that are, where there is a will, there's a way!
  5. branguscowgirl

    Worst start to calving I've had.

    Very sorry GB. Sending some good mojo your way! :cboy:
  6. branguscowgirl

    5 calves!!!! Graphic ! Not mine thank god!

    Obviously it didn't work out so well. :( Was it his cow? Wonder if she was super ovulated by injection. It happens though. I will post a pic of some that one of my vets delivered.
  7. branguscowgirl

    Let the calving begin! I think I'm Ready!

    All looks great! Good luck!
  8. branguscowgirl

    Calf born with deformed head

    Looks like the skull did not close and the brain formed outside of it.
  9. branguscowgirl

    Calf born with deformed head

    Was there some kind of enlargement in the abdomen also, or is that a leg?
  10. branguscowgirl

    HOw do i know if my cow is milking baby good?

    And you are correct. If the calf was not getting enough to eat, it would not be zipping around the pasture. It would be looking for food! Katpau gave you some wonderful information. :)
  11. branguscowgirl

    HOw do i know if my cow is milking baby good?

    I understand your concern Huntet02. Your calf and cow sound pretty normal. It is hard to tell by the picture, being all the same color. But it looks like she has milk........Can you get a better pic of her udder? It also looks like the calf is wagging its tail in satisfaction? Another good...
  12. branguscowgirl

    Surrounded by Trich infected herds

    Just one word. Hotwires! (Well, shoulda been two words. :P ) Keep away the neighbors!
  13. branguscowgirl

    Pregnant heifer

    Agree with Mdash. She is fine boned, and dairy. She should not look "thick" like a beef cow. She looks perfectly normal for her breed.
  14. branguscowgirl


    Congrats Ron on your AI success! :clap: The heifer and calf are looking awesome. And yes, you are a fine looking specimen yourself! :cboy: I think that you are probably "a hard keeper" though with that body score. But it looks like you still have a "full mouth". Maybe a little Ivomec would do...
  15. branguscowgirl

    How much is the falling market going to affect bull prices?

    Though I am only a registered seed stock breeder, Nesi has a very good point. There are those kind of buyers out there. (We see it here on the boards even.) My concern is, does it keep those kind of folks away from the sales and the good bred bulls? Driving prices down on them? IDK just...
  16. branguscowgirl

    Feeling blessed !

    They are just on grass and A little grass hay in the dead of winter. You could say, my girls are EASY KEEPERS. :mrgreen:
  17. branguscowgirl

    Feeling blessed !

    TC we called her our "Hippo". :)
  18. branguscowgirl

    Feeling blessed !

    Uh well maybe the biggest was this girl. Over 1900. :P