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  1. T


    My youngest heifer will be 15 months old in August this year. i think i will wait until the end of August and put both in the Bull pen.
  2. T


    at what age is it safe to breed?
  3. T


    that's what i thought. Thanks.
  4. T


    i have 2 heifers, one 13 months old and one about 10 months old. How often will they come in heat before breeding age.? I mean would it be safe to summer them with the other Cows (pregnant and due shortly) and the Bull?
  5. T

    Still here

    She was small at birth (55lbs) but she is still hanging in there. She has gained a little. i
  6. T

    New calf

    That's just it. I made it nurse a little but haven't seen it do it on its own. But then they are in the pasture and I at the house. I can't see them from where I am. Too much rain and bad weather at the moment.
  7. T

    New calf

    New calf born on rain storm with tornado warnings every where. Soaking wet when I found them. Calf about 2-3 hours old. What do I need to give the calf? Maybe pasturella pnemonia shot. If so how much? Anything else?
  8. T

    Mucus always mean heat?

    You sound like me. Doing what I like and not minding the hard work and willing to seek advice when we need reassuring. Nothing wrong with that, and I appreciate when people are willing to help. Keep on keeping on, I'm listening and watching. Syncing, now I make need to investigate this my self...
  9. T

    It's here

    Tomcolvin Cowhand Cowhand Re: Due date PostTue May 23, 2017 6:36 pm Ok, you all were right again as usual. About 2:30pm this evening she gave birth to about a 55-60lb calf. I left work early when my daughter call me and said it was on the way. Only problem was it rain 3 inches last night, more...
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    Due date

    Ok, you all were right again as usual. About 2:30pm this evening she gave birth to about a 55-60lb calf. I left work early when my daughter call me and said it was on the way. Only problem was it rain 3 inches last night, more today and cats and dogs this evening about 2:00pm until 5pm and...
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    Due date

    Thanks, Guys. I hope you are right. I hate to leave and her in shape she's in. (Meaning a young pregnancy)
  12. T

    Due date

    No , it's those coordinated trips where x meets y and goes to z. If you get what I mean. I still have about 4 weeks before I leave. She is only 19 months old ( bull had different idea on fence jumping). I have some one to look after them but don't know Jack if there's a problem.
  13. T

    Due date

    I have it down her due date will be mid to end of July. What does it look like to you all? I hope in next few weeks, I I am leaving end of June, for Louisiana from Georgia for a week plus​ to see some folks.
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    Bull on the rampage

    I just never dehorned him.
  15. T

    Bull on the rampage

    This bull bears watching at all times. I never take my eyes off him when I am in the pen with him.He right now is not good company, meaning he snorts, paws dirt, digs with his horns and will empty his water trough by turning it over. He groans, moans and will pay a whip no attention. Yesterday...
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    Bull on the rampage

    Little over 3 - 1/2 years.
  17. T

    Bull on the rampage

    Ok , my heifer with 3 month old calf must be trying to come back in heat. My bull today tore down the fence in a section to get in to her and the calf. He was successful in getting in and I don't know if she is in heat. How long before she can come back and what if he was successful in his move...
  18. T

    Mooing all day & night

    OK, I moved her to a yard pen next to a heifer with a calf and she shut up. After edays I let her on with the heifer so I can feed both of them and watch her. She is now on pasture with the heifer and calf and loving it. She hasn't moved since. Maybe just lonely being in with only the bill and a...
  19. T

    How long before calving?

    How long do you think before she will calve? She was breed by my bull at 11 months, not intentional. The bull is not large for his size, but she is not either. I think about y weeks. Not sure when she was bred.
  20. T

    Mooing all day & night

    The thing that amaze me with what he said is, "he is correct". The bull is solid black with only a tab of white on his forehead head.