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  1. R

    Breeding bull to daughters

    He may get father x daughter cows that way too. LOL @Pineywoods230 Let us know what you do and what you get. Good luck.
  2. R

    Breeding bull to daughters

    To go back to the original post, It sounds like Pineywoods230 is in the process of trying to grow his herd with what he has. He likes his bull and what he is throwing. Maybe Pineywoods230 can't afford the high prices for replacement heifers/cows right now. Maybe he has plenty of grass to...
  3. R

    Breeding bull to daughters

    Inbreeding (father x daughter, sibling x sibling) and linebreeding (2nd cousins, etc.) are all tools to reproduce the best traits. You have to know what faults your bull has or produces and what faults the cows have. You shouldn't breed related animals with the same or similar flaws to each...
  4. R

    Twins on old cow

    I heard that twin calves are usually sterile. Then I heard only if they re split twins - m/f. So if a cow has twin heifers or twin bulls those calves will be fertile? Or was the whole "sterile twin" thing untrue? Just asking.
  5. R

    Is this jersey cow close to calving?

    On the other hand, since you don't know her history, she may have been bred by a larger different breed bull. I would have your vet preg check her. Then you will have an approximate date in case she needs help calving a large calf. You don't want to take a chance on losing the cow for a few $$..
  6. R

    Calf hip

    So is the thought that the original problem/injury was in the hocks, not the hips? Kind of ruins the appearance of the calf so if it would result in a lower price for that calf, I would keep him for my own freezer and sell one that doesn't have the lumpy hocks.