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  1. L


    Had a 5 year old angus cow I bought prolapse with dead twins. Never seen anything like it and she survived and she went to town
  2. L

    pro's and con's on twinning?

    So would you say it’s more likely for a cow to have twins after she has been flushed? I flushed a cow last year and just put the bull in with her after because I didn’t want her to fall back in the calving cycle and she bred up pretty quick but had a set of twins.
  3. L

    Twins breathing heavy

    Been along time since we had a set. Both nursed last night and this morning in the chute. Did that so I knew both got milk. Just seems like they have some fluid in their lungs and was wondering if there is any remedy or if I just need to watch them?
  4. L

    How much trouble should I expect?

    What were you charm BW. By the time I had ordered him almost of his numbers changed haha really didn’t want to use him any more but I didn’t anyway and every cow I used him on stuck
  5. L

    ultra sound and twins

    Yeah I like the ability to know as much information as we can.
  6. L

    ultra sound and twins

    How many days along are you ultra sounding? For me I’m usually late to preg check at 120 days and you can’t sex many of them unless they get lucky with the position . Your point about the heifers is pretty interesting!
  7. L

    ultra sound and twins

    We haven’t had a set of twins in along time. We have been ultra sounding the past 5 years and this is the first one he’s called.
  8. L

    ultra sound and twins

    No idea on the late calving part but I know ultra sound isn’t a exact science. It really differs between vet to vet in my experience. My guess is that the twin is absorbed early in the process. I have a couple with twins coming also due in March
  9. L

    N Semen Tank Service Cost ?

    Get my tank filled every 120 days for $45
  10. L

    To retain, or not to retain ?

    If I was a cattle trader I’d be buying up a lot of stuff and hold on for a couple years and sell when this market comes back but I’m not so we are retaining heifers and culling some older cows
  11. L

    Breeding Fees

    Yeah in my mind your price would have included A-Z. Sometimes things just don’t work out as planned. I bought a flush from a breeder via private treaty and we agreed on 800 an embryo. I picked one of their bulls to use in the flush they fronted all the cost of the flush and they didn’t recover...
  12. L

    Genetic influence

    Makes more sense. I think I got up in the whole 5% thing and didn’t read the context of the whole thing 😂.
  13. L

    Genetic influence

    I recently saw a post talking about what a bull is really worth on Facebook and he said a lot of things but one thing stuck out that I didn’t quite get or I didn’t agree with. The post said that a cow only has 5% genetic influence of that years calves and the bull has 50%. I agree changing...
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    ET newbie here... looking for advise

    I’d definitely set more cows up than embryos. I was going to put some in this past spring and the cows I had caught on natural heats the vet said the heat they had wasn’t a good enough one in lamest terms . Made we wish I had just set them up but he had talked me into natural heats because I...
  15. L

    ET newbie here... looking for advise

    I believe it’s same as AI but you just wait 7 days later to put them (most embryos are 7 days old) in my experience
  16. L

    Weaned a whopper

    Honestly looked bigger than that! I weaned my recoded last year at 801 off a first calf heifer.
  17. L

    Retaining Heifers ?

    I sell at weaning and I was considering not selling a heifer when I normally do and either sell them as yearlings or sell as Breds the next year
  18. L

    Heifer calf in heat

    Lucky I haven’t had one bred yet. I might have one this year tho with an early heifer that’s gunna get weaned late. A good buddy of mine took his calves into a green tag sale and he had to pick up almost all his heifers because they were bred.
  19. L

    Heifer calf in heat

    We have that issue with some of ours coming into heat and I don’t really worry about them getting hurt. Give em a shot of lute at weaning just in case .
  20. L

    Testing Bulls

    Check them a few weeks out of turn out in case there is a surprise or I can get one of them re tested before turn out . I thought my older bull was on the down hill side of things after the way he tested last year then this year he tested 95%. Kinda funny how things work out. No brainer...