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  1. F

    Weaning weights

    Around here the buyers would figure the horns into the price. X number with horns @ $1.18, X number polled @ $1.68, I will bid up to $1.45 for the group. Pulled the numbers out of my rear obviously. Were they mine I would prefer them to sell separate because I would be afraid that I would...
  2. F

    Keep or cull?

    Breed her to a black homo-polled bull, sell her black polled calf at the salebarn for just as much as everyone else is getting. She won’t have calving trouble if she is bred to a bull that throws normal sized calves. Correinte never do. Don’t keep her heifers if you don’t like her build. If you...
  3. F

    No tail?

    We have cats with no tails and short tails. Neighbor down the road also does. That doesn’t help you one bit.
  4. F

    My lady had to pull one

    I’m still in trouble for the one that I sold last fall. He gave me no choice. He was getting big and was constantly head-butting me trying to loosen up my milk. Bouncing around, got on my feet now and then. My wife cried and told me to never ask her to help again. She fed him probably 8 or 10...
  5. F

    Prolapse cow

    Anyone have a vaginal prolapse picture, I had a cow with a uterine prolapse once. Vet saved her
  6. F

    New baldie

    She still has the mustache
  7. F

    New baldie

    Keeping this heifer. Born in May, she is bigger than this now.😀
  8. F

    Would anyone keep this cow?

    Yes, first calf
  9. F

    Would anyone keep this cow?

    We have had plenty of rain here. People who don’t know better are complaining. It can get dry in a hurry this time of year. I have more grass than cattle, and enough hay for the winter. Still, she is gone.
  10. F

    Would anyone keep this cow?

    Thank you very much! She doesn’t build fence, there’s a mean cow in the freezer. I will haul her, maybe next week. A friend stopped by and really liked how they both look. He thought that he might give her another chance. I needed your, and I am paraphrasing “get your head out of your butt and...
  11. F

    Would anyone keep this cow?

    I have a 2yr old who calved and walked away. I wasn’t around until the next morning. She hadn’t licked it at all. Bull calf decided that I was his mother since I was the only one to take care of him. He is a long solid calf. Born May 28, so 7 weeks tomorrow. Fantastic calf, the mother is well...
  12. F

    Keep or breed back?

    I’d keep her. She’s a good cow and it wasn’t her fault. If you keep her you get a calf next year. If you get a different cow you get a calf next year. Cull the @$#€% that stepped on the calf.
  13. F

    new cattle farmer with some questions

    Especially during calving season you need to see every cow every day. Look at the udder to see if it is growing, and the vagina for springing (leaking) and swelling. If one is missing, go find her, she may be having her calf. Normally if a calf has gotten up and moved, it has nursed, but not...
  14. F

    dead calf... momma breaking my heart....

    I lost one last fall. I wish I had been there when it was born. When I got there she led me to the calf and smelled it. She looked at me and mooed, as if to say, "Please fix her for me." Wish I could have.
  15. F

    Cows in sync.

    I have to avoid winter calving. I am just back in the cattle business after 30 years away from it, and have bought some that were fall calvers, due to my lack of patience, or maybe my excitement to get the ball rolling. That sounds better. One bred heifer I bought from a southern lady calved...
  16. F

    Turned him out!

    So your heifers will begin calving in January. Too cold for that here. A calfsicle is a sad sight.
  17. F

    Breeding Heifers and Calves Birthweight

    We have done ok with a heifer/cow after pulling one. Stretches them open pretty good for the following calves. Is this common for the rest of you?
  18. F

    Got one dried off

    I have one ready that I bought from a lady in Tenn. Otherwise I keep the bull away from them so they don't calve before March 1. I hate it when they freeze solid. :frowns: I'm in Illinois about 2 hours north of Kentucky.
  19. F

    First calf Heifer just had to do it last night!

    I have a heifer in the barn. She looks like she is ready 3 days ago. I hope the calf isn't too big, her belly is huge. I am 20 miles from her and there is snow falling pretty hard. Makes it pretty unhandy. It would be nice to live there.
  20. F

    Biggest calf I ever had.....

    Smart on banding him. He could cause all kinds of trouble as a bull.