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    Calving 2024 Charolais

    Good looking calves. Sounds like y’all have been busy. You have a nice setup for them to help with the bitter cold you have up that way.
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    Pie bald calf ?

    That’s some neat markings on that calf. It would be easy to locate it in their group of calves. The Baldy cow must have something besides Angus and Hereford back in the woodpile.
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    Sorry to hear that. It’s always tough to lose one, and difficult to know what could cause that to happen. Hopefully it’s just one of those things that happens for no apparent reason, and it will be a long time before you have another one abort. I wouldn’t think drought itself would cause it...
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    Fertile cows or what?

    It sounds like those should make a lot of beef for you if you decide to have them processed. It’s good to have different options with them like that. Maybe the calf will be ready to nurse it’s momma now that it took bottle. Seems like the light bulb finally goes off for them sometimes and they...
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    Fertile cows or what?

    I’m sorry you lost the one calf, but glad the little red one is doing better. That’s maddening when they can’t figure out how to latch on like that with all that good milk right there. Ive got an older cow with a bag like the one you’re describing. The last two out of three calves she’s had had...
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    9 year old bull

    If he is what you have been looking for and you just plan a couple years with him, I would go for it if he passes BSE and appears physically sound. Most bulls get culled before they reach that age, so they must have been happy with his offspring.
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    Keeping twins for replacement.

    If the other twin was a bull calf, they are about guaranteed to be non-breeders. If the other twin was a heifer, they should breed most likely.
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    Brangus Milking ability

    That’s the number one problem I’ve had with them, and have had to cull for. It’s frustrating having all that good milk right there and calf can’t get it. Calves are good once they latch the first time, but some can take a while to figure it out, especially if it’s a bigger calf that has to bend...
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    Brangus Milking ability

    Sorry you lost the calf. It’s hard to tell sometimes with one like that. If they aren’t kicking at them, you just assume the calf is getting to nurse. I’m glad you’ve already got her up and don’t have to worry bout that part at least. Hope she sells good for you and you can get a good...
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    Big baby girl!

    Glad you were there to help them have a happy ending. If those older girls dont move along pretty quick once they start, something is usually up. Nice save. Good lookin calf.
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    Stay loose !

    Good lookin calf. Brahman momma mode is good for keeping predators away and protecting their calf, but can make it interesting if you have to fool with the calf the first few days.
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    What age does a bull start breeding?

    How many cows are you looking to breed him to? I have bought yearlings to breed a handful of cows before when something has happened to my other bulls and needed a replacement quickly. Ideally they would be a little older than that, but they can do it. It’s just good to give them some supplement...
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    Newest calf

    Nice looking calf. Love them roans. I would have guessed it was pure shorthorn. Momma sounds like a dandy.
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    Warning, gross pictures.

    I’m sorry you lost the calf, but glad you were able to get it out and save momma. I’m glad you found Java in time. That’s always a sick feeling to find one like that. Ours will scare me sometimes when they are laying sprawled out in the sun like they are down or dead , and I go running to check...
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    Calving 2023

    I’m sorry to hear about you losing those the last few weeks. It’s hard to see them licking and talking to their calves when they are trying to get them up like that. I’m glad the cow is ok at least. Hopefully she will be able to breed back soon for you and have a healthy calf next go round...
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    One of those days

    I’m sorry to hear of the troubles you’ve run into there all at once. That can weigh heavy on you with multiple things right after the other. I hope your cow does ok and you can get some salvage out of her. I wouldn’t have thought that would be a possibility. I’m thankful for God’s word to go to...
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    Reason you check heifers more than once a day

    Nice save! That’s a good feeling when you can turn around a potentially bad situation like that.
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    2022 babies

    I always liked the old school Simmie cows like her. Looks like she gave you a nice blaze-faced calf and didn’t pass on the chrome, which always made me happy when calving the spotted ones out.
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    Always Something

    Glad you found them and got the calf out. I always say some of mine are born looking for a way to die.
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    Is this jersey cow close to calving?

    Regardless of her pregnancy status, it looks like you’ve done a great job with her. She hardly looks like the same cow.