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  1. bbirder

    Tell me about evaporative (swamp) coolers..

    GB, check this out. You may want to install a mister on your patio. There are several available from kits to complete systems. They claim to lower temp 20 degrees...
  2. bbirder

    How do you read this website to keep up with the forums

    Rafter I have the box checked to log me in auto, but it does not always work. I have not bothered to follow up on that because it takes so little time to click and log on. It seems most all of you follow basically the same procedure to get updated. I thought I would see a few different ways it...
  3. bbirder

    How do you read this website to keep up with the forums

    Do ya'll not get a number over the bell and/or env showing if you have messages. I do but I do not use Facebook. And I never will knowing what I know about computers. They know enough already about us. Might as well make it hard for them. Ha!
  4. bbirder

    How do you read this website to keep up with the forums

    What is your procedure to read and keep updated on the forums? Personally, I log on and hit the New Posts button and start down thru the topics reading the ones that interest me. At some point I will reach a heading that says something like "All postings from this point on have not had changes...
  5. bbirder

    Daily Viagra Therapy?

    It's hard to forget certain things!
  6. bbirder

    Beating Inflation

    Do you think you will wind up in the hole?
  7. bbirder

    My new best friend

    The only thing I use.
  8. bbirder

    Electric Fence

    :hide: double entry
  9. bbirder

    Electric Fence

    If you use the tubing you have, be sure to put a vertical post at the foot brace or put in H braces at the corners. This will allow you to pull your wires tighter. With just the angle brace down I find they tend to lean towards the inner angle of your corner and loosen the `wire. :2cents:
  10. bbirder

    fence tips and tricks

    Damn GB, Looks like you are in the fence cleaning business..
  11. bbirder

    Loading Individual Cattle

    A word of caution. Never let your attention span down when loading animals. Last July I was loading my Brangus bull to take to the vet. He had a piece of electric fence wrapped around his hind leg and it was infected. This bull was very gentle and I've never had problems working him. I ran him...
  12. bbirder

    Alternative to PVC for watering systems?

    If you do use PVC, install a valve every so often to be able to isolate a leak later.
  13. bbirder

    Tips for Working with VA Health Care ?

    Stocker, I am in the VA system and see a Dr there every six months, receive most of my prescriptions thru them. I am also on Medicare as I assume your friends are. There is nothing to stop you from seeing any private practicioner you want. I see more than one and the VA has never blinked an eye...
  14. bbirder

    Fence knots.

    Enjoy reading this thread, but y'all making my arthritis hurt with all these knots. :lol:
  15. bbirder

    Working pen materials

    My pen is made with 2 7/8 drill pipe for posts 8ft apart. Weld in 2 3/8 around bottom about 15 or 16" off ground, then set cattle panels on top of that and weld in. Top it off with another run of 2 3/8 around top and you have a sturdy fence almost 6' that has worked well for me. The chute area...
  16. bbirder

    fence tips and tricks

    Fence, I see your end posts, but can you show us what and how you tie the other post with when using pipe?
  17. bbirder

    fence tips and tricks

    Bought these at yd sale for 3 bucks D*mn Darryl 3 Bucks! You must "Have friends in Low Places" :hide:
  18. bbirder

    fence tips and tricks

    Hey Bigfoot, Did you notice the ship date on that puller. Shows they don't stock it. 4-6 weeks
  19. bbirder

    Running Electric Across Deep Ravine????

    I've also used something similar on a large ditch my fence line crosses. I put drops from the HT hot line with large (approx 1" ID) flat washers for weights. These stay hot and turn the calves but trash won't hang up on them during high water.
  20. bbirder

    turn it off before you get off. Tractor accident Liberty County Tx

    Always "Think Safety". A good friend was riding his 8 yr old son on the fender while discing and the boy fell off. No need to describe further. The man was never right after that.