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  1. P

    Drought plan

    I'm much more carefully rotating with portable electric fencing. got about 6 weeks before I'm back to paddocks last grazed April 10. but johnsongrass....making me nervous as I can't test every little stand. I usually don't supplement in the summers, but wondering if setting out protein tubs...
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    fertilizing a small pasture

    Don't recommend mowing/brush hogging mesquite (I learned the hard way). It'll sprout 5 new trunks and makes basal spraying them later on a pain. +1 for Remedy for the mesquite. And good thread. I have a very similar situation minus the low pH just across the river.
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    no hayfield experience-advice?

    My much older neighbor has a 20 acre hayfield (south-central oklahoma) that he doesn't want to mess with anymore. Common and improved bermuda. No weeds. He said he just wants it kept up and looking nice, and I can keep whatever I get off it as long as I keep the weeds out. I have zero...
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    drought and summer mowing..

    I’ve read that, but over the last 2 years it’s crowding everything out in some areas and I see no signs of grazing….but didn’t know the tannins thing. I’ll get out and take a closer look. Maybe I checked during the wrong period.
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    drought and summer mowing..

    Just native pasture: Kleingrass, little bluestem, some kind of side oats gramma-looking stuff, some patches of switchgrass, a little Bermuda. And then some Johnson grass patches I am not mowing. And some broomsedge, which I’m working to get rid of. Prob a lot of others I haven’t identified yet!
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    drought and summer mowing..

    I've been mowing through some of my native grass pastures this past month to then stockpile grass for winter. Also knocking back the ragweed and lespedeza (or however you spell it) that is just now starting to flower. However we're into a dry spell/"flash-drought" type period (southern...
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    Moderating cow size

    interesting thread...I'd also like to know the answer to BFE's question, as my first heifers/now mammas are former show cattle that were a little, "under-framed" for their program. But so far, just right for me.
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    let go to seed for optimum growth?

    Texasmark: great comment and I like the practical experiment!
  9. P

    let go to seed for optimum growth?

    I'm in south central Oklahoma with native grass/weeds pasture. I'm rotating cows on and off an 8 acre area, trying for optimum grass growth and trampling down brushy weeds. It's slow work but maybe making progress? They've been off for about 5 weeks and grasses are back up to 12"+ and prob...
  10. P

    mature johnsongrass analysis

    Good question-I just pulled leaves at about 2-4 ft level as that's what I observed them grazing. I'm gonna check again in November and will do both stems and leaves--at some point this winter I expect them to eat the whole thing.
  11. P

    mature johnsongrass analysis

    Just got my first forage analysis on my 6 ft stands of slightly browned Johnsongrass leaves. Had good rain maybe 2 weeks prior but collected 9/15. Thought someone else might be interested. Crude protein: 12.2% ADF 37.8%, NDF 63.6%. TDN 52.9%. My interpretation-could be keep...
  12. P

    almost same question as soggy bottom, but oats/wheat/clover

    I'm a city boy learning as I go. I'm in southern Oklahoma where we got good rain 2 weeks ago over several days and the soils still has decent moisture. For working the soil, all I've got is a box blade so I set the teeth as low as possible and shallow scraped to plant a few acres of a cool...
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    another johnsongrass question

    They are going back and re-grazing the other grasses instead of finishing off the Johnson grass. Ideally I would put up some electric fence and force them onto just the Johnson grass, but can't really do that. I feel like if I mow it, it'll be back to 24" tall in 3 weeks and be a lot more...
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    another johnsongrass question

    Newbie to cattle here. Just moved my 4 heifers from one 8-acre pasture to another. They grazed their preferred native grasses down to about 10-12 inches or so. Have loads of 6 ft tall johnsongrass all over. They stripped leaves off of maybe 40% and ate some stalks. But have prob 2 acres...
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    portable electric fencing questions

    5 strand barbed wire
  16. P

    portable electric fencing questions

    New to this so here goes. I've got 4 x approx 7-8 acre paddocks (basically a big rectangle) I'm going to rotate through every 1-2 weeks. Using a polyrope and step-in posts. Water is at the intersection of the paddocks with some auxiliary mobile water as well. 1). do I include the...
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    Spraying Pasture This Late

    I just asked the Noble Foundation guys in my area the same question as I have some nightshade coming up in some disturbed areas of pasture-they recommend wait till early Spring
  18. P

    newbie w/ native pasture

    Thanks for all the input! south central Oklahoma-just off the red river. Soil has pretty high sand content (not red clay)-lots of horse guys in my area.
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    newbie w/ native pasture

    Got 55 acres of pastures that haven't been touched in over a decade. Been clearing pecans/oaks/locust saplings/plum thickets out on my days off, but plenty of open grasses: bluestems, johnsongrass, some Bermuda and several others. Also plenty of weeds-partridge pea, compass plant, ironweed...
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    what to spray for wild blackberries?

    Don't use just Remedy Ultra...I haven't had great luck with that product by itself when used on brushy weeds including blackberry. The only thing it seems to work moderately well on by itself is small saplings (basal bark applic).