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  1. L

    Unrolling hay into rings

    This is what I have. I was thinking that I might save hay by spinning off into a ring so cows don’t have to pull out of bale.
  2. L

    Unrolling hay into rings

    Is anybody unrolling hay into rings or some type of bunk? I’m curious if that would reduce waste more than just putting bale into ring. I have a hydraulic unroller for loader that spins the hay off but have not used for ring.
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    More on rotational grazing

    That's what's great about the temporary fence. It's easy to move when you find a better way. My fencing is rarely the same every year.
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    Cows on hay field

    We never mow after the first cutting and the cows do a good job of grazing evenly. I'm talking about fescue so my situation may be different. It usually works out to cutting hay at the end of May, then pasturing in July and again in the fall. The July grazing is equivalent to clipping.
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    Cows on hay field

    We usually bale the first cutting and then add our hay fields to our pasture rotation for the rest of the year. It's much cheaper to let the cows do the work.
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    Question on organic food

    My response has always been from a personal standpoint, I cannot make as much money with organic. From a global/societal standpoint, we cannot feed the world's growing population on falling tillable acres with organic farming. Commercial fertilizer and GMO allow farmers to do more with less. If...
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    Electric Fence Grounding Question

    You could also bury your ground rods in the drip line of a building. The extra moisture will help with your ground.
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    Net Wrap Removal Tips and Tricks

    I found this online. It's probably too expensive to justify.
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    Net Wrap Removal Tips and Tricks

    I thought this might have already been covered, but I haven't been able to find any other threads on the subject. I will start feeding hay with net wrap soon and am looking for some tips and ideas for removing the wrap easily. I would rather not remove it at the bale ring because of mud, manure...
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    Leasing hay ground?

    We have a deal with a neighbor where we fertilize and bale for 2/3 of the hay. We did some initial seeding that we paid for. We kept owner's share of hay until that was repaid.
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    Hay Moisture Testers

    I'm thinking about getting a hay moisture tester and wanted others' opinions. What is the most accurate, usable type? Windrow, bale probe, or baler mounted (JD 457)? What are brands to look at or avoid?
  12. L

    Feeding Baleage by Itself

    I agree TexasBred. Cows will not mix on their own. Boss cows will get first crack at baleage. When we fed silage to dairy cows, dad always made sure we fed dry hay too. Do I need to worry about that?
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    Feeding Baleage by Itself

    They tend to get more holes the longer they sit. That's why I want to feed them first.
  14. L

    Feeding Baleage by Itself

    Due to the poor drying conditions last spring, I have some baleage to feed cows this winter. It is mostly fescue. I would like to feed it first before it starts to spoil. Can I feed that by itself to beef cows? Do I need to mix or alternate with dry hay? Thanks for any help
  15. L

    What to Seed With Fescue

    We've been hesitant to sow clover the first year. We've had red clover take over and kill out the fescue. It was endophyte free fescue so that may have been the problem. Then, when the clover dies out it leaves bare spots in the field. We've been filling those in with Max Q. We've never had it...
  16. L

    leasing hay ground prices?

    I would agree on a price assuming the fertility is good. Then, I would get soil tests and find out what is needed to get the ground back to recommendations. I would apply the cost of the fertilizer to the rent until it is paid off. If it takes more than one year, you will need to have a written...
  17. L

    abused pasture

    I had a neighbor with fields that had been sitting fallow for a few years. We agreed to rent it and also establish the hay fields. We used our cost of planting as a credit for future rent. Your buddy may be able to find someone to do the work and cover the cost for future pasture use. Everyone...
  18. L

    high tensile wire....does brand matter?

    I would suggest only 1 wire for cross fences. We used 2 strands but have since taken the second wire down. It's unnecessary and keeps cows from keeping the grass off the fence. Also, small calves will crawl through 2 strands and not find their way back.
  19. L

    My Part His Part

    I am working with my dad in a partnership, only we own everything together. He is retired and does most of the work during the week. I help on weekends and take a few days off to bale in the spring. We don't worry about the labor part because he is retired, enjoys doing it, and is trying to help...
  20. L

    when do I rake it?

    My basic rule is if the top feels like it is ready to bale, it should be raked. The bottom will not dry until raked.