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  1. cowsrus

    Pasture Drag

    good luck drilling through the tread on steel belted tires, better get some nylon tread tires. Believe me tried it and its no fun unless someone knows something i don't know.
  2. cowsrus

    Protein/Mineral Tubs

    We have been using the 250 lb tubs this winter, i think they are 24% protein from our local farm store (Orshelons).They are about fifty bucks each, plus feeding them all the hay they want. All our cows look good and the calves are almost fat. I think they look just as good as last year when we...
  3. cowsrus

    Hay Prices This Year

    We were up to from last year, but not a whole lot. As much rain as we had this year, i thought we would be way up. Might be a carry over from two dry years in a row.
  4. cowsrus

    Hay Prices This Year

    Hay prices are all over the board around here this year, most is $40-$45 dollars for a 4x5 bale of mixed grass hay. I have seen prices on Craigslist from $35 to $65 dollars. I advertised some on Craiglist for $45 for a 4x5 bale and didn't even get a phone call and that was with free delivery...
  5. cowsrus

    Leveling ruts in hay meadow

    I agree, it,s going to be extra work, but i need the hay really bad. Most of it is ok, just a couple of big spots, maybe 40x150 yds or so. Hay meadows of any kind are hard to find around here, you almost have to inherit them :)
  6. cowsrus

    Leveling ruts in hay meadow

    I've got a chance to bid on a hay meadow,it has some rough places in it and part of the stipulations are that the rutting that has been done by ATVs and four wheel trucks have to be leveled out. Some of it is pretty bad and i,m just wondering if i can do the job with just a disk or is it going...
  7. cowsrus

    Spring planted oats

    I had the same idea as your dad, last year i wanted to no-till some oats in my hay meadow for early grazing and then bale it later. Well the oats all came up, but they never grew enough to do any good. It was either lack of fertilizer or lack of rain (or both). If i ever try it again, i will...
  8. cowsrus


    I'm kinda with you on this.
  9. cowsrus


    Interesting, a lot of people are doing rotational grazing (Including me), and i think he was saying to put large numbers on small parcels and rotate them, but they have to have something to eat to get the whole thing started and he was starting on bare land. I missed something maybe?
  10. cowsrus

    Planted some oats

    I no-tilled in some oats for some early pasture/hay and was wondering if someone here could tell me how long it usually takes from planting till you see some emerging plants come up ?
  11. cowsrus

    Baler belt cleaning ?

    I know, I should have put this under machinery. My bad :(
  12. cowsrus

    Baler belt cleaning ?

    I never have , but i have often wondered if it would help some. What do you think ? Would it help to clean them or just leave them be. And if you did clean, what would you use, ordinary soap and water ot maybe tire cleaner ? Any suggestions
  13. cowsrus

    Buying Hay

    You can argue this all day, i have enjoyed reading everyones comments, but for myself i actually enjoy baling my own hay and always have. I get a sense of accomplishment out of of doing it myself, its hard work and frustrating at times and sometimes (rare), everything goes great. I buy decent...
  14. cowsrus

    Eliminating common bermudagrass pasture

    This year i have seen some lush bermuda in my pasture and the cows won't eat it, so i'm doing some rethinking about bermuda for pasture. i had always thought it was as good as you can get for cows.
  15. cowsrus

    Bernuda resurgence

    With some rains and cooler weather the last couple of weeks, the bermuda grass has been growing like crazy in my pastures. Not really growing tall, but showing up all over where i hadn't seen it all year. I always heard that bermuda had some deep roots and now that i see that its still there, i...
  16. cowsrus

    Farmers to the rescue

    This is unbelievable. Can you believe that of all those smart people (yeah, right) in Washington, no one thought of this. I don't know if it will be the answer, but it sure appears to me that it would work. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  17. cowsrus

    2010 Improved Pasture Inputs?

    I know what P & K is, but what is P/N/S ?
  18. cowsrus

    Kill small trees and brush

    Getting ready to spray some fence rows. What would be good for killing small brush and real small trees? I use 2,4,d for thistles and most weeds but it won't work for some of the bigger stuff.
  19. cowsrus

    Anyone have a pic of lespedeza?

    Thanks, much better pics. Now i can go out and check and see if thats what is coming up . I broadcast some last year and then again this year and i'm not sure how successful i was.
  20. cowsrus

    Anyone have a pic of lespedeza?

    I have looked at that picture till my eyes were hurting and i still don't know what lespedeza looks like when its first sprouting. I don't know if it's just my computer or what. Anyone have a better picture or a drawing?