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  1. V

    Fertilizer prices??

    And Petro! Big driver in the N market as well.
  2. V

    Stockpile ? for Fescue Fans

    How long are you grazing the "stockpiled" fescue? Have you considered feeding hay in Oct-Dec (or however long you expect stockpile to last) and then turning in on stockpile in Jan? More often than not, our Jan-March stockpile tests much better than our hay, PLUS the endophyte is not quite as hot...
  3. V

    New generation "farmers"

    Between the Chinese and Bill Gates, there has been a lot of farmland purchased in the last few years. Not sure their plan, but I trust Mexican tap water more than either of them...
  4. V

    Tedder Timing ?

    2 mowers, immediately followed by a 4 basket tedder makes the difference of us getting hay put up dry and in the barn with no rain in a 3 day window. Without it, we'd have to wrap. We do not have a silage baler, nor wrapper, but the neighbor does. He makes hay same time we do so first cutting...
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    eliminating wild blackberries

    It is definitely too late to spray for them this year.
  6. V

    eliminating wild blackberries

    This is from Virginia's Pest Management Guide. Not sure how accurate the month will be in your particular area, but you can consider your climate/region compared to Virginia and take a crack at timing. I'd have to disagree with Kenny on his clipping comment. (no offense Kenny) I agree with the...
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    Made the decision

    365d grazing isn't always most profitable option. Feeding hay 60-90d with higher stocking rates will pay more (even after hay expense) in more years than not. Lots of variables either way.
  8. V

    How long after AI can I freeze brand?

    I use neighbors clippers and I have no idea what kind of blades he has in there to be honest. I do know they are not surgical blades because he did make the comment that he was thinking of switching to surgical blades to see if that helped with consistency of brands AND to speed things up a bit...
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    How long after AI can I freeze brand?

    We preg check around 90-100d and will freezebrand the bred heifers after the vet leaves. Sometimes, it is the same day, others it is a week or two later, depending on what all we have going on. We calve in the fall, so that puts our branding at about the same time SBMF recommends. Need to make...
  10. V

    Barenbrug fescue seed

    Management will help, but like you say...who knows. I was able to get cost-share through NRCS to offset the major expense of establishing the novel endophyte fescue on my operation. I'd highly recommend anyone that is considering establishing a novel endophyte fescue to look into it. (I'd be...
  11. V

    Barenbrug fescue seed

    Good luck! If we have a relatively mild winter, I think you'll be okay. We've already had 3 frosts in my neck of the woods, but the stand I planted 3 weeks ago is really putting on a show. It is getting greener by the day. I'll hold cattle off of these fields until next year, but plan to mow a...
  12. V

    Wanting to plant some winter pasture

    Absolutely! We have mowed the first cut annual RG in mid April before. It really jumps out of the ground once we start getting a few warm days in late Feb/early March. We have had several mild winters in the last few and it grew all winter but really took off in March. Most of the time we get to...
  13. V

    Wanting to plant some winter pasture

    I have recently drilled in (killed the sod, which was a Sudangrass field in summer) a mixture of oats, ryegrass, crimson clover, winter peas. We got 1/2" rain the next day and I had JUST finished spreading fertilizer as rain came. 3 days later, oats were visible from a distance and ryegrass was...
  14. V

    Barenbrug fescue seed

    I'd also add that if you time planting around moisture, the BO will germinate very quickly. I had relatively moist soils when I planted mine, and got a 1/2" rain the day after I planted. 4 days later, I had seedlings at 1" and a week later, you could see a slight green hue to the field from a...
  15. V

    Barenbrug fescue seed

    I have been involved with a few folks who have gone the novel endophyte way, myself included. From my experiences, the Pennington variety, Jessup MaxQ doesn't have the seedling vigor of the BarOptima E34 OR Martin 2 Protek. Both of the Barenbrug varieties have exhibited phenomenal seedling vigor...
  16. V

    Wanting to plant some winter pasture

    I agree with Kenny and Ebeneezer 100%. Not much will compete with fescue if the sod isn't suppressed. A good dose of N would probably be more advantageous than trying to establish a winter annual, especially this late in the game. Not many options would give you much winter grazing for this year...
  17. V

    What to do with grass?

    Last year (in my neck of the woods in VA) we had a DRY FALL. Urea was a waste of $$. MOST years, we catch rain on Labor Day weekend, sometimes an occasional front in August. If we can time Urea applications the day of the rain event, we usually can bank on an additional 2-2500#CM/acre with...
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    Stubble and Regrowth

    Agree! Plus, it helps with air flow in drying process.
  19. V

    Time of day to cut hay?? "Management is ultimately the key to harvesting high-sugar forages. Many of you have probably heard of the AM/PM hay research done in Idaho. We get many calls each year in the Midwest from...