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    fescue/native/wild/white clover

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    fescue/native/wild/white clover

    Jabes0623, Impressive difference and thanks for the pictures! Would you mind telling us what the cost difference per acre was? Ron
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    Anyone else use greengrazer V (sorghum-sudan) for hay?

    I prefer the BMR. We just baled and silage wrapped 171 5'x4' bales off of 20-21 acres. We couldn't cut parts of 2 fields as they were too wet. Tallest was about 7 feet tall. We should get 2 more cuttings and some grazing after frost. Hopefully we can dry bale next time, but we have had the good...
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    Teff grass

    That is how we did it and we had a thick stand.
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    Teff grass

    I tried it last year and we got one good cutting of hay that was very good. I was told that it doesn't tolerate grazing well and that seemed to be true as I had a group of cows that decided that they needed to graze it after it had 2-3 inches of regrowth. :oops: They were only in there a couple...
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    Milk and fish oil as fertilizer for pastures

    I am considering trying the milk on a field, but what times of the year/part of the growing season is the best time to apply? I would like to try a test field to see how it responds and would like to maximize the chance that it will help. Thanks! Ron
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    Is fertilizing even needed?

    When I applied triple 17 at 200lbs to the acre on my hay ground, it was considered the standard in our area and was recommended combination if you did not do a soil test. It was recommended by the fertilizer plant and multiple aged farmers that were successful. They also limed every 3-4 years...
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    Is fertilizing even needed?

    Inyati, you are the second person to recommned urea in the past week. If you get the chance, please ask the doctors if they have noted or read that there is an increased need of lime with nitrogen use. It may be related to the type of nitrogen, but to be honest, I don't know what form of...
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    Is fertilizing even needed?

    I guess I type too slow and I lost my experience/story that I had typed out. The short version is that on my farm, lime, phosphorus and potassium do seem to make a positive difference and pencil very well. The nitrogen (applied using the typical single application of triple 17 at 200lbs to the...
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    Milk and fish oil as fertilizer for pastures

    Interesting thread... Hawkeye do you mind posting more specifics. Thanks! Ron