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  1. Down in Dixie

    Rain 🌧️ !

    I ended up with just a hair under 3”. About 3 months to late but I will take it.
  2. Down in Dixie

    Rain 🌧️ !

    When I first went out this morning I was showing 1.5” in the rain gauge. Well needed rain.
  3. Down in Dixie

    Sweet grazer Sudan

    Most sweetgrazer says harvest at 45 days or 45 inches. looks like you cut it just right. Should make some good hay.
  4. Down in Dixie

    Sweet grazer Sudan

    I tried to hay it two years ago and also seeded two pastures in it. I could never get it dry and the weather never cooperated. Grazing it was so much better and I liked watching them go thru the field eating the leaves and then on the second pass thru the field they would knock down the stems...
  5. Down in Dixie

    How long?

    I looked at my numbers and usually have hay rolled up about the first or second week of May.
  6. Down in Dixie

    Unrolling hay tip and question on older hay

    What I have found when I’m baling hay is when I run slower and don’t push the baler I get a tighter bale that holds together well. When I run fast and push the baler hard it usually ends in a looser bale that doesn’t hold together well when you take the string off.
  7. Down in Dixie

    New rake, video

    I can’t get the video to pull up on my crappy internet but is it the flex rake? I called and talked to them about one but cant make the numbers work yet. Hopefully I can in a year or two.
  8. Down in Dixie

    2022 Hay Update

    Nesi I will trade with you. It’s hot down here. Hay is ready in no time though.
  9. Down in Dixie

    Spring Grass

    My fescue is growing great. Just starting to see some of the summer grasses sprouting.
  10. Down in Dixie

    Hay season 2021

    Cutting what I can between the rain. Laid some down this afternoon and hope I can get it up Monday before the rain gets here Tuesday.
  11. Down in Dixie

    Little bit of nitrogen

    Grass looks great
  12. Down in Dixie

    New hay field

    There is plenty of it around. Not sure if it’s technically native but it’s growing strong around here.
  13. Down in Dixie

    New hay field

    Used to have a flail mower but back in 2013 when we sold the family farm but we sold it with a bunch of other equipment. Thankfully we kept the hay equipment. Need to get some of the other equipment over to my place soon.
  14. Down in Dixie

    New hay field

    Thankfully one of the guys in the hunting club does professional vegetational control either by burning or chemical so hopefully have that covered.
  15. Down in Dixie

    New hay field

    I believe I will get a 3 year lease on it. Nothing in writing yet but they like the idea so far. I agree I would like to get the native grass growing good but I think I will need to drill in something like sorghum to get the tonnage before the native grasses really get to growing.
  16. Down in Dixie

    New hay field

    Not the best area to take cattle and graze. I’m running 20 head on 65 ac of pasture and 15 ac of woods so plenty of grass for them and I have a descent stand of fescue and rye to graze on all winter. I would really like to zero till because the prairie mud out here is hard to till. It’s either...
  17. Down in Dixie

    New hay field

    I am going to take on a new hay field next year but it needs some work. It’s 30 ac and overgrown. It is on a deer hunting lease and they are required to cut the field every few years so its been two years since last cut. We plan on bush hogging it then burning what’s left. What would you plant...
  18. Down in Dixie

    SS Grazing Utilization ?

    Mine will always eat the tips of the sorghum grass first. Day two they will eat the rest of the leaves. Day three they will eat the stalk down to 4-6 inches. I turn them out on it when it’s 15-20 inches tall. All mine is growing naturally.
  19. Down in Dixie

    Hay Profits

    The attachment won’t pull up on my end.
  20. Down in Dixie

    Recommend a V rake

    Yes it’s the older gen