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  1. B

    woven wire and electric fence

    Does anyone put up electric fence on the inside of woven wire fence to keep cattle rubbing on the woven wire? IF so how many strands and at what height? Or is it not necessary?
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    What is up with Bekaert fencing?

    I am having trouble getting bekaert 949-12-12.5 high tensil fencing. Trouble is a understatement. 3 farm stores all suppose to carry bekaert and they even say they can order fencing. But nobody in all 3 stores can find or do what the company says. So frustrated!! Have taled with bekaert...
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    Pulling 7 inch driven wood posts? Best way

    Ive got another question for this group but will start another thread, any how, I can tell you Ive learned a few things too or maybe observed a few. First is it is one hell of alot harder to pull post out of my ground when it is wet even when wiggling aggressively the post. I did 3 in a row...
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    Pulling 7 inch driven wood posts? Best way

    So I messed with another post today, I got it out with some new methods. Yes I move the post in diff directions this time with the loader. This time I got a bit more aggressive with it. Didnt stop with first crack of the post but stopped on the 3rd. The reason I am pulling the post is...
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    Pulling 7 inch driven wood posts? Best way

    LOL, I am not sure I want to film but will give it a go. I dont own a excavator but do own a mid size skidsteer. No concrete or boards attached to the posts. But its spring time in ohio so the ground is wet and am betting that is creating a suction on the posts. I thought about driving a rod...
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    Pulling 7 inch driven wood posts? Best way

    We tried a 12000lb excavator but broke the post. to much wiggling I think. I was not the operator. To clarify the fork attachment frame got bent up. something else to fix. tractor 3pt wont do it I stopped before that got damaged. As far as cutting off, for me not an option. But Ill go...
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    Pulling 7 inch driven wood posts? Best way

    This is what I have. 6 - 7 inch posts driven in clay soil 4.5 feet deep. they need to be removed. what is the easiest way to do it. I have removed 1 post so far by using a 3 ton floor jack and chains and cribbing directly over top of post. have to cut post every 12 inches. I think the problem...
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    Fencing question

    Thanks for all the input. I am planning on field fence, I just picked up some wood posts today which I plan on renting a post driver to set them. Ive got a couple more questions and would like your opinions on. 1. My farthest pull is 725ft. will a single H brace be ok or do I need to ad a...
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    Fencing question

    What is better or safer along a state highway? I am putting new fence up next to a state highway. looking at field fence such as tornado 13/28/12 or kencoves version of high tensil 12.5 woven wire. Or a 6 strand single wire electrified high tensile fence. both fences with 25 ft post spacing...
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    Millborn seeds any experience?

    I think I am going to do a limited try,
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    Millborn seeds any experience?

    I am considering planting a hay field with the stockman from Millborn seed. Its a blend of alfalfa, tall fescue and orchard grass. My concern is and to be honest not sure it should be a concern, is planting out of a grain drill. This is a blend from my understanding 60% alf and 20% and 20%...
  12. B

    grazing alfalfa/grass hay field

    so I have been letting the cows graze my alfalfa/orchard grass hay field for a few hours a day then take them off where they have accsses to dry hay. we did get a frost , do I need to worry about that or do I need to keep them off the hay field. I ask cause I have heard not to graze for a few...
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    grazing alfalfa/grass hay field

    Is there any dangers in grazing an alalfa/grass hay field? With preg cows and calves? this fall
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    please help identify!

    I thought it might be Johnson grass too. But after Dun said barnyardgrass, I think he may be right. We have been extremely wet and where this grass really took off has been really wet spots. So if its barnyard grass in the pasture whats my course of action? herbicide? mow? not sure what...
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    please help identify!

    Here are a couple more images of the grass
  16. B

    please help identify!

    I planted a new pasture mix this spring and need help identifying this plant in picture. the mix consisted of
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    how long to spray?

    Planteda new pasturet his year and having a lot of weeds pop up. I just planted and the grasses are justs tarting to poke thru. How long should you wait till you spray for weeds? Looks like broadleaf weeds, dandelions crabgrass starting I was thinking on using grazon for my herbicide...
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    fertilizing hay and pasture

    pasture- ph 6.5 buffer 6.9 hay- ph 6.6 buffer 6.9 not sure what buffer ph is?
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    fertilizing hay and pasture

    ok, I got the results of my pasture and hay field back. the recommendations are almost the same, basicly it was recommended 19-19-19 at a rate of 300lbs an acre. I have never fertilized properly, and we are talking hobby farm size total field and pasture size is 12 acres. so here is my...
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    pasture spraying question about equipment

    I am about to spray afew acres with a new to me product called ( thicker pasture). I am a bit new to using a sprayer but in the directions it states use a # 70 screen or larger ?:confused: are the referring to the filter and nozzle screen? and if I am thinking right do they mean like a...