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  1. B

    Requesting your opinion ?

    So you would rather your cows go without hay? I would rather low protein hay instead of no hay any day. I would hate to see what would of happened to my cows during this last February if we would of ran out of hay....we had every winter storm you could have back to back to back. You can make...
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    Requesting your opinion ?

    If its cheap I would get it. Better to have to much hay then not enough. Like some have said you can supplement with it and be fine.
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    Hay is Stressful

    We are in the same boat here. To wet to get in the hay meadows and its still raining. I'm not ever going to complain about rain....but a little drying out would help a little. We are going to start spot cutting on the hills in our meadows so that we don't lose all of our first cuttings. All...
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    Hay-2015--effects of too much rain=shortage in your area?

    It still hasn't stopped raining here rained all night last night. We don't haven't baled a single bale of hay and we are beginning to get in a bind. All of our spring grass is dying because it is to wet in our hay meadows to cut it. I'm not one to ever complain about rain and I still don't...
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    Hay-2015--effects of too much rain=shortage in your area?

    Same boat down here in Arkansas. Hasn't been dry enough to even think about cutting anything.
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    Hay Season 2015

    Good looking hay meadow there skyhigh.....wish it was dry enough for us to get into ours and start cutting.
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    Hay-2015--effects of too much rain=shortage in your area?

    i agree here. Don't want to be short on hay no matter what the quality.
  8. B

    Hay-2015--effects of too much rain=shortage in your area?

    Its still really wet here and we still haven't been able to get into any of our hay fields. We have a lot of hay ready to cut as well.
  9. B

    Commercial Fertilize, Lime, or Chicken Litter???

    There's wasn't any standing water just saturated ground the buggy would have been to heavy and probably sunk. There's not any cows on the pasture yet but there will be in a week or so. We rotate this herd every 5-7 days usually per paddock but we are just now getting back into rotation we got...
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    Commercial Fertilize, Lime, or Chicken Litter???

    Just to give an update here. We went with the Commercial Fertilize. We got a window of dry weather for a couple of days and Commercial was the easiest for us to get. We only got one pasture and half another done before it rained again but that is better then nothing. I think my dad said that...
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    Commercial Fertilize, Lime, or Chicken Litter???

    I appreciate everyone's opinion here. That is why I asked the question. Keep it coming guys.
  12. B

    Commercial Fertilize, Lime, or Chicken Litter???

    I thought it would be better to fertilize in the fall. An older farmer in our area fertilized around Sept and he started feeding hay a month later then we did and stopped a month earlier. That sounds good to me lol. It will be hard for us to do one now and one much money. That's...
  13. B

    Commercial Fertilize, Lime, or Chicken Litter???

    I know I need to get the soil tested and I'm going to try too but my dad and uncle run the show so its whatever they say that goes and I was just wanting to get some information from you guys that I can share with them. They don't care about a soil test. I tell them we need it all the time and...
  14. B

    Commercial Fertilize, Lime, or Chicken Litter???

    We are in the beginning process of putting fertilize on our pastures. We have access to buying all of the Commericial we want and also all the lime we want. We also will have access to some Chicken Litter later on in the summer. My question to y'all is which is better to use?? We haven't...
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    Fenceman this pasture hasn't had anything on it for 20 years and all the hay bales and taken off of it every year. I can already tell from just having the cows on it for this past winter that the grass is getting a little thicker just from feeding hay on it and the cows making their own...
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    This ground hasn't had anything done to it in a while so anything will do it some good that is for sure.
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    Theres not very many weeds in the pasture its just thin. You think the litter will bring out the weeds?
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    We haven't had a soil test done on our new pasture but we know it needs a lot of help in the lime and the chicken litter department. I have question for you guys....if the grass grows good but is thin (for lack of a better term, isn't thick like carpet) which would be better to use in y'alls...
  19. B

    Oats field/cattle grazing pics

    That grass looks good! I bet them cows are loving that.
  20. B

    Look what I see

    We just had all of the snow we got last week finally all melt away over the weekend and low and behold there was green grass underneath all of it. I'm ready for spring to get here and the green grass to come up. This cold and wetness is driving me crazy.