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  1. S

    Baling dry corn? can it be done?

    Yes Manitoba, snow is just leaving us here over the past few days. The thought was to try and swath it with as small a width as i can find. I have swathed it in the past with an old 18' versatile 400. but was so long ago that i can't really say what the results were. we baled it as a comparison...
  2. S

    Baling dry corn? can it be done?

    I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried to swath and bale dry corn, not stover but with the cobs on? We do a lot of bale grazing and feeding in pasture away from roads and yard. Deer are starting to damage our later fields of corn grazing. We could graze the fields after we swath and bale so...
  3. S

    Calving ease

    Got in this late boys but around here it's all about the moma cow when your talking profitability. Poor bulls on good cows still produce a decent calf but top end growth bulls on poor cows still bring home dogs. Lighter bw result in more live calves and less damage to the cows at calving. they...
  4. S

    Welded pipe H-brace question?

    I agree that the diagonal wire is the key to the strength of the whole corner. We use wooden treated posts and a treated post as the top part of the brace. I have stopped using multiple strands of wire and twisting them with a pipe or wooden peg. I found that if you ever want to retighten...
  5. S

    Cut-over spraying question

    we have had good results using 24d ester or mcpa amine 700 with about a gallon diesel fuel /100 gal of spray. really gets the brush with one pass. the fuel really helps get the chem into leaves, probably help with just about any chemical, some stress to the grass that is there but it recovers...
  6. S

    Low/no maintenance cattle

    Thinking about the view that black cattle are worth more and why that is. I heard somewhere that any black animal regardless of breed has different wiring in the area of the brain that tells it it is full. This means they will eat more before they stop, thereby growing more or producing more...
  7. S

    Strip grazing 12volt battery chargers

    Good fencing materials and a well built fence are way more important than which charger you use. Like most things bigger is better but something you can get serviced locally is probably just as important. As far as solar goes, you will probably be checking the cattle fairly frequently, or...