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  1. C


    Sucks watching your dad slowly go from boss man to almost like a little kid where you have to watch and worry for them. My dad was really smart and active, now he can't remember how to put food on his plate. Maybe a neighbor would let you borrow a sxs once in a while just so you can take your...
  2. C


    You're good. The list said "watered bottle" not bottled water.
  3. C

    Yeti/ Sasquatch ?

    When I was growing up a neighbor kid's mom made him a bigfoot costume for some reason. Him and his buddy would wait in a corn field for a car then run across the road to the field on the other side. Problem was they were just 5 feet tall at the time.
  4. C

    Yeti/ Sasquatch ?

    I've been there! It was a pretty fun place actually. Some interesting stories and some things that made fun of bigfoot stories.
  5. C


    Had it bad after some nerves were damaged. Ended up having gastric bypass surgery. Lost weight that I really didn't have to spare, and look like I'm older than I am, but feel awesome.
  6. C

    Foot rot

    Not what you asked for, but there is also a vaccine.
  7. C

    So why

    Here it seams I see a lot of Florida and Georgia plates, I figure it's probably people that spend summer here and winter down there.
  8. C

    Respect ?

    In my experience most guys talk "normal", but I can think of several guys that couldn't say a sentence that didn't include at least one curse word. Might be a coincidence but all 4 of the ones that come to mind either had their mom walk out or died and they were raised by their dad.
  9. C

    Cross Bred Bull For Heifers

    Personnally I wouldn't use a crossbred bull on heifers just due to the fact you increase your chances of having a lot of calving problems. I would use a calving ease angus for their first calves, then come back with one of your original choices.
  10. C

    Conservation Easements

    You are assuming that when you are dead you will still care what happens with your earthly possessions.
  11. C

    Conservation Easements

    With too many restrictions placed on the property, is there a chance you may be putting future generations in a bind? High property taxes and a limited means of making a profit off the land. I've heard it described as trying to keep control from the grave. Raise your kids to appreciate the...
  12. C

    Flails or rolls?

    I've always heard flails for grass, rollers for alfalfa. But personally I wouldn't hesitate going to flails and we also have mostly alfalfa/orchard grass.
  13. C

    Finish ration

    Do you mean increase 1-2 pounds per week and not 1/2 pound? It would take over 7 months to get him on full feed at 1/2 pound per week.
  14. C


    Just looking at guesstimate numbers, creep feed (75% oats, 25% corn) would cost around 13 cents per pound. If you get a conversion of 10:1 it would cost $1.30 per pound of gain. If feeders are selling for $2.30 it seems profitable this year for sure.
  15. C

    Kubota M7060

    Have a 2013 m8560 with 2900 hours. No problems at all. Was also concerned about the emissions junk but it has worked flawlessly so far.
  16. C

    DIY cattle sweep

    We built ours out of wood in an existing barn and was also limited on space. Built an 8 foot sweep that is actually a touch over 90 degrees and it works fine. Used 10 foot posts so the top could be 5-1/2 to 6 feet, don't remember which. Posts are probably 30 inches apart maybe, used 2x10's I...
  17. C

    Newbie sorghum sudan seeding rate?

    We have always seeded at 20 lbs. for hay. 50 seems really high, but would probably yield more and have smaller stems.
  18. C

    Wow...Thanks! Input your Cattle's Extraordinary Awareness Here

    My cows intuitively know when I have importent plans that don't involve them. And since they seem to love my undivided attention so much, they invent new ways to keep me from leaving them and attending to those important things.
  19. C

    How do you call the cows

    Maybe a regional thing. I also heard everyone say "Come Boss" when it was time to bring them in for milking. I still say it. Cows seam to understand if I'm calling them to turn out to pasture in the spring or cornstalks in the fall. When trying to bring them up for weaning or shots, not so much.
  20. C

    Daily Chuckle

    Reminds me of a story from several years ago when a doctor asked a young lady this question. Her answer was "Sometimes, but usually I just lay there".