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  1. G

    Milestone residual..???

    I am interested in any thoughts on time durations (residual time) for herbicides in general: grazon, milestone, restore, reclaim, etc. Are you finding the residuals are much longer than stated by manufactures before clover, alfalfa, general forbs are re-established? Of course i dont want the...
  2. G

    cattle nutrition

    thks truly for the info
  3. G

    cattle nutrition

    Thanks for the replies, some good thoughts given. However the cattle will survive??? I want them to thrive.
  4. G

    cattle nutrition

    You are right, these weeds are to be eradicated but so will be EVERY other broad leaf plant, all clovers, alfalfa, all forbes, all fruiting plants, everything except grass family and cone bearing trees, everything. Any hay fields that contain alfalfa etc will be grass only. I am now forced to...
  5. G

    cattle nutrition

    Paraphrase Ronald Reagan - we are from the government and here to help
  6. G

    cattle nutrition

    Canada weed act forces control of hawkweed, tall buttercup, ox-eye daisey, canada thistle, camamile, tanzy
  7. G

    cattle nutrition

    Being a new cattle farmer I have recently be forced by Canada weed act to use herbicide to control weeds. Herbicide is not only weed killer, it is death to ALL broad leaf vegetation. My question is, will I have to supply my cattle extra extra purchased feed supplements to ensure a complete and...