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  1. K

    504c help

    Did you measure the old belts? Were all belts replaced or just the outer ones? Hard to say what kind of modifications have been done since that model was new.
  2. K

    Stihl problems !

    I've had an MS250c for a long time and cut a ton of wood with it. Other than a few minor repairs over the years it's been a great saw. Here's hoping its something minor with yours
  3. K

    wanting to learn about goats

    We bought two young goats at the sale barn years ago. Mrs wanted some. Caried em out to the car cause I didn't bring the truck and trailer. Durned things wont die, I'm convinced it's only because it doesn't matter if they do. Heck one was was in the bale ring under a bale for a good half day and...
  4. K

    Grazing to control Canada Thistle

    Ever try horses? Seems like wherever horses graze here thistles disappear. I know for sure they eat the flowers and I'm pretty sure they will eat young tender vegetation. Can't say for sure they like Canada thistles but im pretty sure
  5. K

    6 day old calf can’t walk

    2 years ago we had a breech calf out of a heifer that was pretty close to what you're describing. It took a full week in the bathroom in the house tube feeding electrolytes and mother's milk and standing him up every few hours before he was able to go back to the barn. Honestly we were very...
  6. K

    Anything worth seeing between MN and AR

    We will look into that guys. Thanks
  7. K

    Anything worth seeing between MN and AR

    W Just got back from a wedding and visiting in laws up there. You're not kidding about it being dry. Was raining when we left at least.
  8. K

    Anything worth seeing between MN and AR

    Thanks. We will have to keep an eye out for it. As much as I dislike leaving home it should be a good trip, no real hurry to get anywhere.
  9. K

    Anything worth seeing between MN and AR

    Renville co. Smack dab in the middle of row crop country. What neck of the woods are you in?
  10. K

    Anything worth seeing between MN and AR

    The mrs, kids, mother in law and I are piling in an rv next week and heading to crater of diamonds state park in AR next week. Probably take I35 and I49. Anything along the way a person should stop and see?
  11. K

    LockJawz T Post Insulators

    I bought a bag to try. Only used a few so far but they seem a heck of a lot better than the yellow farm store variety. They snap on tight and hold the wire nicely
  12. K

    Selector control valve leak

    Never been inside a jd one like that but i assume it's just a spool and o rings? Is the casting cracked? Otherwise I would think you could get anything to fix it from jd.
  13. K

    Go home dog

    The plan is to get her fixed but when is the Mrs department. Neighbor dog situation has improved. Combination of tying, running him off and no more heat I assume. He only visits once in a while and not for long. I don't mind that. A dog is going to be a dog
  14. K

    Go home dog

    We didn't even try to make him stay home while she was in heat. Just kept em apart.
  15. K

    Go home dog

    Their collar. It lights him up. He just doesn't know what to do it seems. Usually just lays down under my truck when I get after him. Then I take him home. Not sure how to make him understand what he is doing wrong, best I can figure is to make his stay unpleasant.
  16. K

    Go home dog

    The thought crossed my mind. As far as the fence goes we suggested a few times the underground or wireless fence. Sounds like their best bet. Dog seems to find a way out of kennels
  17. K

    Go home dog

    Neighbors were gone for a week, our dog was in heat so you can guess where their blue tick took up residence. I don't mind a dog visiting now and then, dogs will be dogs after all, but he seems to like it better here even after they returned. Have lit him up with the shock collar when we catch...
  18. K

    fescue toxicity and losing tails

    Hard to tell from the picture but reminds me of brome also
  19. K

    Does anyone make your own cattle feed?

    Yes. Also use ear corn as a base, ground in the feed mill with concentrate per the co-op's recommendation. When have any barley is a nice addition. Oats are good too. Probably cheaper the way turklilley does it with soybeans and mineral instead of a bagged premade concentrate tho
  20. K

    IV for Scours?

    Seems like if they still have enough energy to stand the drench works most of the time. If it's gone too far IV is the only way to rehydrate as the gut won't absorb much at that point. Full disclosure- I've not done the iv route myself but after a scours epidemic in a group of dairy calves I...