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    Cow won’t lay down

    Well, never meant this post to gather so much advice on drugs, but I do appreciate the feedback. Which by the way, my bottle doesn't say phenylbutazone so it may not be Bute, which is my HUGE mistake. I'll have to look when I get home. It actually starts with a B so I assumed it was Bute...
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    Cow won’t lay down

    Yes we love our pets! But, we also have a pasture full of others that are not pets and there is a difference. If this was one of them I wouldn’t be here asking for advice. If it comes down to it we would do what we needed to with the show heifer. I’m not one of those people lol!
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    Cow won’t lay down

    I will add that she appears to be recovering fine as far as injury. She’s come a long way in the past 2 weeks. She’s walking almost back to 100% and eating/drinking as normal. Also, we have absolutely no plans of shipping her. She’s my daughter’s show heifer that we’ve had since a calf and if...
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    Cow won’t lay down

    Thank you both for the replies! I shouldn't have tried to shorten the story. She's a show heifer and was going to be AI'd. She wasn't with a bull she was with a large group of heifers also there to be AI'd so I don't believe she's bred. The CIDR was placed and she went lame a few days after and...
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    Cow won’t lay down

    I also wanted to add she’s had a shot of Dexamethanol the last 2 days and Bute yesterday. Not sure if it matters.
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    Cow won’t lay down

    Long story short our cow went to a breeder and ended up injured in her back and/or rear legs. No one is sure what happened. She came back after 6 weeks and for the last 3 days she had to be picked up with hip lifters to be able to stand. This morning around 3:30 she got up on her own and had not...
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    Only able to give half dose of Resflor Gold

    We have a show heifer that’s a year old. She’s had watery eyes and a snotty nose for several days but has been eating fine. Vet gave us Resflor Gold. Due to unfortunate circumstances I was unable to get her in a chute but we’ve been able to give her vaccinations without a chute in the past so I...
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    Treatment for Scours in 1 Year Old Heifer

    I have 2 show heifers that are 1 year old. The past week they've been scoured. I believe it's from increasing their feed. They do have hay to eat on all day. Do I need to treat them somehow or will their system eventually straighten out after it becomes used to the increased feed? Are all...
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    Increase body mass

    Thanks for your reply VCC. I've been told that the registration papers could be sent it a few months later which is a shame. I am afraid their volume is genetic. I do believe we have 2 good heifers and yes, there are some that push their poor calves past what they should be. We enjoy the...
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    Increase body mass

    We recently purchased 2 Hereford heifers that are almost 12 months old. Last week at the show they both placed last in their class. We thought we had 2 good calves until we got in the ring. All of the other heifers their age were massive. The judge even commented that he would try to lean one of...
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    Calves not gaining weight

    Hi! Not sure if this is the right board or not but here goes. We have a bull that just turned a year old in October. At every show he's been to, we're always told he's too lean. Anytime we try to increase his feed (16% - corn, oats, cottonseed hulls, etc.) he gets scours and it takes several...