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  1. C

    There are times . . .

    I couldn't agree more!! That is one of the major reasons I stay on the farm 98% of the time...I go out for necessities only! Seems the more I talk to people the more I'm convinced stupid is contagious and spreading like wild fire!
  2. C

    occasionally feeding sweet feed am I making a mistake?

    As long as it is a small amount per head then you should be fine and as Kenny mentioned it may help in the long run if your the "goody guy"
  3. C

    Calves Sheath/naval

    I dip all of ours with iodine at birth, Mine calve in a drylot near the barn. As for your calf I think the navel looks a bit suspicious and would be checking it out, it may be fine better to check to be sure. I have seen navel ill be sneaky and not show any external sign until it's too late.
  4. C

    Calf with possible Navel/joint ill?

    If you, can get the scab open and drain the navel, clean inside the wound with iodine and treat with pen g for at least 5 days. Watch joints for swelling, tenderness or lack of mobility. keep an eye on temp and make sure he's getting adequate fluids.
  5. C

    Cold temps and a new calf

    She will be fine. Sounds like they have protection from the weather. So long as mom has plenty of quality feed and water and baby is nursing all is good! They are quite resilient, mine don't get coats and do great.
  6. C

    Veterinarians and why you don't use them

    I do most all of my own "vet" work, vaccinations, castrating, dehorning, worming(including fecals), blood drawing, IV's, illness treatment ect. simply because I can and it keeps my money in my pocket. My maintenance and treatment plans were created with the help of my vet and from many...
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    lemon of a tractor

    I know several farmers in my area that have had the same luck with their newer Massey's. They also report getting no help through the company when calling to get tech support,they are repeated told "you'll have to take it to a dealer and have a Massey cert. tech look into that" since the dealer...
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    Congrats CKC 1586!!!

    Congrats!! Nice to see your hard work and disciplined breeding pay off!!
  9. C

    Pics of some calves from today

    Looking good Jim!
  10. C

    Calves and cold weather

    I have a split calving (some spring some fall). My fall calves are born late sept -early nov. We have some pretty brutal winters and have never put the calves in the barn and never had any cold related issues. The cows have a barn they can go into but most don't unless is cold and rainy. I would...
  11. C

    Getting heifers ready

    Good looking heifers.
  12. C

    Opinion Needed

    :nod: ditto!
  13. C

    Here it comes.

    TN Cattle Man.... I agree with your most of your post. Parents need to raise their children and teach them values, morals, accountability and responsibility. Many rely on the "electronic babysitter" (be it games, TV shows or movies) and we are left to deal with the results of what they learn...
  14. C

    Been grocery shopping…

    Very nice buck! Congrats.
  15. C

    Gestation length and drought

    My spring calves were basically on time but the fall calves were all early by close to two weeks. Our spring was moderately dry with just enough rain to get the grass greened up but that's about it! We had <1/8" rain from mid May until mid Sept, and above avg temps through the summer.
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    Cow twisting head

    When I worked on the deacon farm we saw a lot of mycoplasmosis that had symptoms very similar to your cow. Draxxin was the only drug that was effective. Does she have a temp? Notice any joint involvement? The ones we had success with were the ones caught early and treated aggressively, even then...
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    Parental Ponderings

    I have seen many success and failure situations with both public and home schooling and honestly don't think that the means in which the children were schooled had much to do with why they failed or succeeded. I believe it comes down to the parenting at home and the values and morals bestowed...
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    Jeanne and the ladies.

    So you're saying you have really short legs! :hide:
  19. C

    price for butcher beef

    Kathie, I never said that $3/lb was screwing your customer, I would say that is still a reasonable price. I feel the $9/lb is unreasonable for a product that seller admits is lower quality than the grocery store! IMO charging astronomical prices for inferior product is wrong, just because you...
  20. C

    price for butcher beef

    I prefer to charge a fair price for quality product rather than screw my customers just because I can! Maybe I won't get rich but I sell all of my product to very satisfied customers and they come back and bring more with them and I sleep well to boot!