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  1. M

    breeding a heifer on first heat

    Franseen...I have been out of AIing for 15 yrs now. Can you please explain to me what [ciders to synchronize] mean? I am sure I am really outdated with the up to date methods of breeding cattle....Thank you.
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    breeding a heifer on first heat

    From my past experiences of AIing, and experimenting as well.. I found it usefull to syncronize my heifers one cycle ahead of schedule. Dont plan to breed them, but watch. If a heifer hasnt cycled yet, she will not cycle on the syncronizing shot, then this means you will need to just wait for...
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    ? Heifers mounting each other

    The female that is standing still, allowing others to mount her, is the one that is in heat. She will be discharging clear mucus too, and you will also be seeing a terrific hair do on her tail head!! ... if you are AIing, you need to wait 12 hrs before breeding her, allowing time for the eggs...
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    retained placenta of twins

    At this stage of the cows trying to rid herself of her placenta, I will insert 4 sulfar pills into the womb. The sulfar will help to loosen up the palcenta, plus help fight the infection developing....
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    Should I have helped or not? Caution - long post

    LOL...HUMMMM .... Another impatient man? ;-) ........ but, you did good, taking the pressure of the water bag away from her. I too have help pull babies from over worked cows, especially heifers. I talk from experience!! (had babies of my own.. ;-(( ) Take that pressure off !!!
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    Murray Greys

    Check this site out: My son had done an extensive study on cattle breeds used across the world, and we came to the conclusion, all breeds of cattle are or were used for a purpose..... Need a little chuckle? Check out the Belgain Blues! I did see a...
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    What is average B/W for Hereford? exhubby and I, AI bred, raised and shown horned hereford in northern Montana. The calf birth conflicts alot on the size of the mother cow along with the kinds of feeds that are being feed. I noticed one of the comments was that northern states has more frame to our livestock, and I...
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    calf with white eyes a day after being born

    Oh Ya!! :shock: Then she rolls you in the crap a few
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    calf with white eyes a day after being born

    Hey Beef!! Have you thought of living in North Dakota?? ;-)
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    Thank you for sharing this site with us all!!!
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    Hair loss in baby calves can happen if over dosed with medication. If we get babies with scours, we treat right away scour pills and pepto-bismol. The calf probably has high fever, and is hanging out in the water to cool himself, which is natural for cattle to do. Coccidiosis usually attacks...
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    cows in heat

    Teri..You can see that a cow has been in standing heat, especially at this time of the year, with the cows old hair coat yet. The tail head, and across the hip bones, the hair will be worn down. The cow in heat will stand and allow other cattle to mount her. She will have clear mucus...
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    Milk replacer question.

    We purchase one brand of calf milk replacement, to feed the cats, dogs, and calves. Its wonderful!! The calves on the milk replacement, fed with calf feed, look almost as good as them on the cow.. It is sold at Runnings or General Stores-Supreme Plus...Mare
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    TLC or .22 Caliber

    Try a shot of "Bose" .... My hubby pulled a calf backwards this spring, both front legs were buckled under. He pushed and held the calf to suck the cows for a wk, before the calf could even stand on one front leg. After about 2 wks, the other leg started to straighten out as well. The calf...
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    Drinking Hereford Milk

    Alan...don't let no one tell any other way... any cows milk can be drank!! I grew up milking holsteins and holsteinXs with my folks, loved drinking the raw cold milk, sometimes very rich from a Geurnsey or Jersey cow though (which we made our own butter from by the way).. Then I started a...
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    calf wont nuse after assisted birth

    Susi.. You did good by giving the calf colostrum right away.. I have to work alone at times and I too have opportunities to work with them not too bright babies.. If the mom and baby are in good condition, I run my mom into a shute, and drop down the side of the shute to expose mom's bag. I...
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    Herferd in labor

    Frosty .. I am a woman rancher, calving out most the cows myself.. If I ever have a doubt about unusual behavior of a cow close to calving, I will run her in and go inside of her to check to see if everything is ok.. You'll have to let us know how the outcome was, hope the calf was still...
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    sick calf

    Sounds like some nurveous system, however, could it be poisoning? ... Mare