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  1. txlonghorngirl

    Naming a calf!!

    Helllppppp! i dont knwo what to name my dexter/jeresey that has been nameless since I got her on christmas!! I want kind of a basic cow name so that is kinda why i did the Bessie and the basc cow names choose whatever becasue she has just been being called "The Christmas Cow" or reply to the...
  2. txlonghorngirl


    Hi! I have 3 texas longhorns and they are currently about 4 months along in their pregnancy, they have not come back into heat at all and I was just wondering when/how far along will it be when they start to show? Also any other information I should know?
  3. txlonghorngirl

    Texas Longhorn Calving Season

    Hi Yall! I currently have 3 texas longhorn heifers and a texas longhorn bull... i have always had angus, herfords and a couple of the occasinol holsteins.. i was wondering how calving season gos for texas lonhorns since all 3 of my heifers are bred and expecting 2 may babies and a july baby...