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    Happy anniversary
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    Craigslist cattle

    Well is unvaccinated and antibiotic he’s a trooper..
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    Names of Cross Breds

    Neighbor had Char, Beefmaster cross cows..that turned out to be a nice cross..though his wasn’t a thought out plan ,he was following the current trends
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    Names of Cross Breds

    Like to see the Temperament on that cross
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    Some fall pairs

    I went back and looked to see what a bel tie is..then in see the Beltie😁
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    Be careful with those guns.....

    law enforcement got to deal with this kind of kid everyday..
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    Angus and what?

    A lot of dairy breeders will AI to angus
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    Angus and what?

    Looks like dairy in the derrière
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    Severe storms hitting north ala and Ga

    Beautiful country around there..
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    Severe storms hitting north ala and Ga

    I’ve heard so much, and seen so much just assumed it was..
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    Severe storms hitting north ala and Ga

    Actually our Tornado season ends Dec. 31 and starts again New Year’s Day
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    Severe storms hitting north ala and Ga

    Story trucking Henegar ..
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    Severe storms hitting north ala and Ga

    They were ,the old one across the street lost most of the roof.. looks like its path came from straight north to south ..
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    Severe storms hitting north ala and Ga

    Just got back from Scottsboro…the west side got hit
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    Severe storms hitting north ala and Ga

    Henegar got hit hard,
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    Occupational hazards for a Heeler

    Friends heeler nipped at a horse once , horse was shod too..hard kicked it square in the ran off somewhere ?assumed it died..showed back up a few days later ,crossed eyed and ready to go at it again..
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    Fools rush in

    No one knows more about the cattle industry,as the rich man who's been at it a year
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    That time of year

    The only ones I’ve tried were Timber rattlers,to me it’s was like pork…we grilled these ,but some say it’s like chicken..guess it depends on how you prepare it…one continuous muscle..
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    That time of year

    Rattlesnake is pretty good..
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    Daily Chuckle
