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  1. Hogfarmer10

    Hay cutting time !

    This was my day today. Hit it lucky this week. Mower mowed. Tedder tedded. Rake raked. And the baler baled. Must mean I’m in for trouble next time…..
  2. Hogfarmer10

    Pasture Pet Peeves

    Very nice subdivisions. Not a single house sold under $700,000. Most were closer to $1million. One of the subdivisions is actually on part of our original farm- the part my aunt inherited/sold. 1/2acre lots started at $65,000. Most bought 2 or 3 lots. Crazy. And of course, since they...
  3. Hogfarmer10

    Pasture Pet Peeves

    Nah. I get that much basically every month. Worse this time of year when we get more wind. Especially aggravating in the hayfields
  4. Hogfarmer10

    Pasture Pet Peeves

    Mine is trash. Not the usual roadside litter, but trash that gets thrown or blown in from the subdivisions that surround me. Nothing uncommon for me and my wife to pick up a full pickup load
  5. Hogfarmer10

    Would you be scared?

    Not very handily. I had thought about letting them in a day, out a day, in a day, etc. That would be much easier to accomplish.
  6. Hogfarmer10

    Would you be scared?

    I've got an almost 5 acre watermelon patch right next to one of my pastures. Last fall, I planted it in annual ryegrass. The cattle next to it are all first calf heifers, most calved by March 24, except for a couple that just calved last week. Still eating some hay (5x6 bale lasts about a week...
  7. Hogfarmer10

    Fertilizer question

    P = phosphorus / phosphate K = potassium / potash
  8. Hogfarmer10

    Bermuda vs. Bahia seed

    I’ve had very good experiences with southeast agriseeds.
  9. Hogfarmer10

    Marshall or Gulf annual ?

    Always been a fan of Marshall, but I’ve never tried Gulf.
  10. Hogfarmer10

    Dallisgrass question

    My pastures are full of dallisgrass this year. I know I need to clip the heads to prevent them from getting staggers, but how often? I mowed 2 pastures about 2 1/2 weeks ago and the dallisgrass is headed back out again. You really can’t even tell I bushhogged. I hate to mow it real short...
  11. Hogfarmer10

    need a donkey to protect cows from dogs..any suggestions..have 1 neighbor close..has young male, should i castrate him

    I run gelded donkeys with some of mine. No problems whatsoever. I’ve also always heard to use either geldings or jennies. Never jacks.
  12. Hogfarmer10

    Pasture renovation

    Mine is similar to the big ox style, just John Deere’s version. Mine is actually a 7 shank ripper, but we had to remove the outside 2 rippers because we haven’t got enough horse out front. Do you still think it would pull up big chunks if I was to move the rippers to #1, #4(center), and #7? This...
  13. Hogfarmer10

    How’s your grass?

    Locust Dale, how do you like the festulolium? I’ve thought about sowing some in a few of my thinner pastures, but nobody around here has even heard of it.
  14. Hogfarmer10

    Pasture renovation

    I know it’s a very sensitive topic. I’ve got some clay based pastures that have been pastured for at least 60 years. I’d like to bust up any hard pan this fall. I’ve looked at a hay king renovator. I’m wondering, I already have a 5 shank v-ripper (basically a 5 shank subsoiler). Could I just...
  15. Hogfarmer10

    Storing round bales

    Gotcha. I hadn’t thought about strings touching the ground. I rarely worry about strings since I went to plastic twine. I understand about being limited on how high you can go. Mine are 5’x6’ and 3 high is all I can reach. I also agree about them losing their shape, but I guess that really only...
  16. Hogfarmer10

    Storing round bales

    Just curious. I see people storing round bales (either in a shed, barn, or under tarp) by stacking either some or all on their ends. Is there an advantage to stacking, even just the bottom layer, on the ends or is it just personal preference?
  17. Hogfarmer10

    How’s your grass?

    I just turned them into this pasture today. They’ll probably be in for about 3 weeks, then on to the next one.
  18. Hogfarmer10

    How’s your grass?

    This is so crazy, but who knows…. I live about 10 miles from a commercial airport. About 15-20 years ago, they changed the direction of the takeoffs, now about 75% of the airplanes fly directly above my farm. Ever since they did that, it seems like most of the good rains literally split and go...
  19. Hogfarmer10

    How’s your grass?

    This is a patch of ryegrass that was planted late - it was primarily planted as a cover crop in my pumpkin field. I decided to let my wife’s sheep graze it. I’ve got about 45 acres of it that I planted about 5 weeks before this. It’s about 8” higher (34” average). As soon as the weather breaks...
  20. Hogfarmer10

    How’s your grass?

    I’m in northeast TN. I’ve noticed that it just seems like the grass in pastures and hayfields just hasn’t started growing around here. Even what was fertilized. It’s got a real nice “black green” color, just not growing. My ryegrass is looking great but the perennial grasses are just sitting...