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  1. K

    Bvd questions

    If they are negative there should be no concern. How do you know you had an outbreak? We had 2 test positive at sale time 4 years ago from a closed herd with no other cattle nearby. Had a vet and vet students out and tested the whole herd and all came back negative. The vet thought it was spread...
  2. K

    Foot rot

    If you have an area they consistently walk through, spread dehydrated lime there.
  3. K

    Dehorning questions

    Oh, i use those occasionally when banding for other people. I knife cut anything i own. Never tried them on a horn though. I sure will try now.
  4. K

    Dehorning questions

    Who makes the square shouldered bands? Dont think i ever seen any. For years i bought bargains because they had horns and dehorned them. I have gotten weaker and it wears me out to use the wire to saw them off.
  5. K

    Update on HPAI Detection in Kansas, Texas Dairy Herds

    The theileria is much more of an issue to worry about here also. 5% + of the cattle that are effected die.
  6. K

    Cow with badly swollen legs ?

    I have never seen one like her so was curious.
  7. K

    Cow with badly swollen legs ?

    Sorry to hear. Any idea what it was?
  8. K

    Cow won’t lay down

    If she is walking and eating she should be fine. It takes a while sometimes.
  9. K

    Cow won’t lay down

    Improper use of some drugs on the past is the reason for them being restricted now.
  10. K

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    I understand that. I have insured bulls in the past against lightning only. Of course lost cows and calves but not a bull.
  11. K

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Im just curious. I have insurance against damage done if the cattle might get out but none on the cattle themselves.
  12. K

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    I would like to see what the 25 ways are.
  13. K

    baby calf covered in maggots

    I get it at the local Dollar Store.
  14. K

    Steer stuffer worth it?

    A big difference in needing to use yours is whether you are feeding to sell beef or selling on the stockyard. They can get too fat for the stockyard. Especially if they are still sucking also. With the clover you have been showing i wouldn't feed anything now. Let them eat cheap.
  15. K

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Im gonna bet he did weigh her. Out of his name into a slaughterhouse name. Probably at a good profit.
  16. K

    Lutalyse for retained placenta

    I dont do anything until 5 or 6 days. Usually means not doing anything.
  17. K

    Calf losing hair

    I agree, it doesn't matter how old the thread is if we learn something from it.
  18. K

    Cow Calf Feeding?

    Check out the thread, Turned Out Today by Kenny Thomas. Cheapest way to winter cows i feel.
  19. K

    Cow Calf Feeding?

    Mine is still on stockpiled fescue.
  20. K

    Blind cow

    Sounds like whatever stockyard you bought them from has tried to do the right thing for you. Makes me feel better about it. Im still betting that they were trade cattle.