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  1. TCRanch

    Miserable weekend coming up

    No kidding! One of my stepdaughters recently spent 8 days in the hospital and now has a PICC line so she can administer antibiotics every day for 8 more weeks. From a cat bite!!! Ferel beast bit through her knuckle and literally through the bone. Infection is in her bones & blood. And she...
  2. TCRanch

    Miserable weekend coming up

    I vicariously feel your pain. Mr TC has a tooth that has been acting up forever. Even had a root canal on it, but nothing works and it flares up every few months. He was on antibiotics when he shattered his elbow/broke his wrist and the hospital gave him some IV but didn't knock it out. Back...
  3. TCRanch


    We have a few around here but the perimeter is primarily shrubs & brush. Easy for me to identify and so far, haven't lost any cattle to one.
  4. TCRanch


    That would be so cool to see!
  5. TCRanch

    Open House at the Vet Clinic

    That is so awesome! Thanks for sharing. You've earned bragging rights with your daughter!
  6. TCRanch

    And it Begins

    And they breed - and vote. Can't fix stupid.
  7. TCRanch

    Fires in the Panhandle

    We had a convoy from Cowley County. This is a copy/paste from the wife of one of the organizers (from her Facebook page): 8:30 pm. Pulling into home at Dexter, KS. Things I loved about today… People waving and kids trying to get the semis to honk - and they did. Andy, our son in law, who...
  8. TCRanch

    Soaking up the sunshine

    I was heading to town yesterday and only saw 2 of my bulls in the east 80. Scanned the pasture and dang near had heart failure when I saw what looked like a flat-out dead bull about .25 miles from the township road. Cuz that's a weird place to soak up the sunshine. Hit the brakes and was just...
  9. TCRanch

    Catch pen sizing

    Off the top of my head, I don't know the size(s) of the panels, but this is set up for 60 cow/calf pairs. Almost always catch them on the west side, but gates on both sides allow flexibility.
  10. TCRanch

    Heads up winter is coming (hard)

    I remember going to the Upper and was amazed at the snow & epic cold. And that's when we lived in Wisconsin. No, thank you! But kuddos to the hard-core people that live in those conditions! And I'm including Alaska, Canada, anywhere north. Yeah, we had that in Wisconsin, but that was when...
  11. TCRanch

    Heads up winter is coming (hard)

    So far!!! I don't care what they forecast. Calving theoretically starts on the 27th, which means any time after the 20th is game on. Which means, we'll probably get spanked with another round of hard-core Jan. weather.
  12. TCRanch

    MRI results

    Let's go with third times a charm. Glass half full? At least that's what I told Mr. TC a week ago when I had to pull the walker out of storage. Mornings are especially rough.
  13. TCRanch

    MRI results

    Dang, not again! Will this be the 3rd laminectomy if they decide that's the best course of action?
  14. TCRanch

    Pretty ingenious cold weather waterer

    I'm assuming it would work with well water? Since he has rural. Pretty slick.
  15. TCRanch

    Richie waterer

    I would. But depends on your water supply. Our wells have a lot of salt, hence a whole house R-O system.
  16. TCRanch

    Soaking up the sunshine

    I drove right up to a bull, back when I had the Hummer - and it was loud. Sumbytch didn't even move until I got out & kicked him. I did have one of the oil tank drivers flag me down last summer because from the road, it looked like one of my calves was dead. Nope, same thing. Hate it!
  17. TCRanch

    Soaking up the sunshine

    I had minor heart failure today. Driving up to the west 80 with the bred & retained heifers, saw one of my fave breds flat out. WTH??? Pulled in & fed the others, which always makes a lot of racket, before I went over to investigate. We scared the shyt outta each other when I poked her and...
  18. TCRanch

    What is this? Plus, some random pics

    Just saw this on Facebook Marketplace. It's a '66 Chevy selling for $3000. Yup, now I can see how it would fit.
  19. TCRanch

    What is this? Plus, some random pics

    You are correct! Posted it on Facebook and one of my neighbors, now in his mid 70's, said he put up a lot of hay in that old barn and helped haul cattle with the rack in a 67 Chevy. He texted me later and yes, it was a wheat truck and they hauled them to western KS in that contraption. I know...