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  1. W

    Be careful with those guns.....

    You can't fix stupid. Darwin will weed them out.
  2. W

    Buying a bull, confidently

    We are lucky to be in Western NY, some very good beef bull producers all around.
  3. W

    Processing trouble question

    I was just curious, of course the cost would be a factor. We were recently looking into having a calf genetic tested for CA and dwarfism, and it's like $20 for each test. Not sure how much more they would have to do for an identity match.
  4. W

    Processing trouble question

    Is there a lab you can mail in samples to compare DNA? I was wondering if you could take a small blood or ear notch sample of a live animal you drop off at the butcher and compare it against a couple samples of the meat you get back?
  5. W

    Sometimes you just do stupid stuff!

    Measure twice, cut once.
  6. W

    Post a random picture

    Frosty has a hyper extended tendons issue.
  7. W


    Does a 5 gallon pale fit in the middle? Might be a home made apple or wine press? The tread is big for the thickness of the plate, unless there's a nut welded on the bottom.
  8. W

    lets talk second cut hay

    I'd be suspicious of hay that was on the ground for 1-1/2 weeks, especially if it got rained on a few times. Probably poor quality, but may be okay for filler/roughage if you got good hay to mix it with.
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  10. W

    solar eclipse April 8. This town is going nuts over it.

    Kids got glasses for the eclipse from the school. My daughter is concerned that the cows will be looking at the eclipse with no eye protection.
  11. W

    This is Crazy over $10/pound!

    It might be worth selling them once they can stand this year. I've seen the beef type bottle calves going $600-$700 at the local feeder sales lately, but $10/lb is a head scratcher. Maybe baby calves is the new gift to replace baby bunnies for Easter in the suburbs this year.
  12. W

    Average Daily Gain

    Mostly corn feed is great for energy and fattening, but it's only about 9% protein. You might want to use a 14-16% protein grower feed to start and use the corn for final finishing.
  13. W

    Navel dip

    The kids were wondering why I was pushing Nutella toast for breakfast every morning. Got to empty that jar.
  14. W

    Navel dip

    I've found that this is the best container for navel dipping umbilical cords with iodine on newborn calves. Wide mouth, ergonomic to hold on to and strong heavy plastic.
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  16. W

    Mostly Heifer calves

    I had a coworker that had this theory about having girls or boys. He said the female sperm (x) are more vigorous and better able to penetrate the egg wall. But, the male sperm (Y) are faster swimmers. So if you want to have a baby boy you have to make for a longer race. He said it's all about...
  17. W


    I was looking in the cooler at the feedstore this weekend and there was a box of Tetanus Antitoxin behind something else, but the Tet was covered up. Thought it was a cure for a rough night at Taco Bell.
  18. W

    Headed to the sale barn

    We had a 550# weaned heifer that a neighbor was boarding for us with 5 others and they broke out. We assumed a bear spooked them at night since people had been see it in the neighborhood. Got all back in but that one. She spent a week on the lamb in the woods and swamp until she showed up at a...