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  1. wbvs58

    Crippled bull

    Hopefully just a bit of time will sort it out. Ken
  2. wbvs58

    Down. And out!

    TC, that dog sitting position is often what you get in animals with spinal injuries up around the thoraco lumbar area. That word dog sitting is what is used to describe it. Does she have much tone in her tail? Ken
  3. wbvs58

    Down. And out!

    You are giving her every opportunity TC. Ken
  4. wbvs58

    Recommended weaned vaccines?

    How many cows or calves are you doing? With small numbers and due to pack sizes it may be more economical to have the vet do it, they may have others to do at the same time so unused vaccine does not get wasted. For best effect the calves should be vaccinated prior to weaning so the immunity is...
  5. wbvs58

    Pink Eye?

    Jan, here there are intramamery cloxacillin in intramamery tubes labelled as eye ointment and registered for sale and use in the eye. The cloxacillin is supposed to maintain therapeutic levels in the eye for 72 hours per the manufactures claims. Ken
  6. wbvs58

    Pink Eye?

    Cloxacillin intramamary put between the eyelids works very well, rarely needs a 2nd application. Ken
  7. wbvs58

    which eats more...

    I would think it would be the two heifers followed by the dry cow then the bull. Bulls very quickly become lazy old mongrels that just want to lie down and sleep unless they have a cow to follow. This is just my opinion, nothing proven but I don't manage pasture by either, I manage it by looking...
  8. wbvs58

    2 month old calf drooling bubbles

    Did the Vets have a good look inside the mouth? Ken
  9. wbvs58

    Asking for a friend…….

    My immediate answer would be no Dave however if you google prostaglandins and inflammation they are responsible for producing inflammation and initiating the response for healing so you never know if somehow it initiated some inflammation in the nuts and resulted in some temporary infertility...
  10. wbvs58

    Cow won’t lay down

    Heifers can be real bitches when an outsider is introduced to a group. Ken
  11. wbvs58

    Cow won’t lay down

    I take it when you say she went to a breeder that she had an encounter with a bull? Injuries can happen with being bred by a bull especially if she was dropped off there while in season the bull can be just a bit keen with the new girl. It is unfortunate but happens. Phenylbutazone is not...
  12. wbvs58

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    My experience with insurance companies is they want a Vet to do an autopsy on them and identify the animal to make sure it is the one they insured. Ken
  13. wbvs58

    Cow with badly swollen legs ?

    Can you get some more photos of her standing to see the overall condition, is she scouring? Any swelling around her brisket? Any fluid under her jaw? What is her breathing like and exercise tolerance? Ken
  14. wbvs58

    Shrinking Claw in 3 year old cow

    Is it only on the one foot? Ken
  15. wbvs58

    Castration Question

    Welcome Bopeep. how did you deal with the testicles? How old were these calves? Sheep?? The covering of the testicles (tunica) can fill with blood and that sac may protrude through the wound. Freeing the tunica away from the testicles and then wrapping the cord around your finger and pulling...
  16. wbvs58

    Calves and minerals

    I'd contact the manufacturer and ask for advice. Ken
  17. wbvs58

    Ear infection or obstruction?

    More often than not an ear infection starts off with some foreign body or chemical causing the irritation and the bacteria come along secondary to an already inflamed ear, especially in one ear of one cow in a herd. Always good if you can get a foreign body out. Ken
  18. wbvs58

    Blind cow

    Did you feed her carrots? They can seem blind with lead poisoning. Ken
  19. wbvs58

    Can cattle OD on minerals

    Se is one mineral that comes to mind that can be overdosed. Ken
  20. wbvs58

    A sort and a pour

    ???? Ken