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  1. Bob Kinford

    Milk Replacer with Soy Protein

    Of course that may be a biased opinion because it's harder for them to market the milk they use for replacer. That said, soy is is high in erucic acid. Whether or not that actually causes damage depends on whether or not the study you read was performed by the soy industry or someone else...
  2. Bob Kinford

    For anyone interested in regenerative grazing (especially if you are in big country)

    Teacher would probably be thrown in jail today, but I had one who staged "shooting" a student in class. Of course the class panicked and went running out of the room. For some reason I went at the teacher and when he pointed the gun at me and said "You're next," I asked him how he was going to...
  3. Bob Kinford

    For anyone interested in regenerative grazing (especially if you are in big country)

    Thank you. Don't have anything planned for back there as of now. That doesn't mean something won't turn up.
  4. Bob Kinford

    For anyone interested in regenerative grazing (especially if you are in big country)

    Do any of us really know what we are doing? Seriously, unless we go about something in a conscious manner we are on autopilot without a clue. I've had people ask me how I got a horse to respond in a certain way, and had to keep repeating the same move and actually thinking about it before I...
  5. Bob Kinford

    Rat tails

    I've know cattle buyers to put together entire pens of rat tails, then feed them out and sell across the grid. Said they made more money off of them because they were cheap to buy, cheap to feed, and brought a premium across the grid.
  6. Bob Kinford

    T-post one, me zero

    Very few people alive today have any concept as to how tough people used to be...
  7. Bob Kinford

    Cowboy stuff is fun

    I obviously wasn't there, but past experience tells me that their flight pattern was directly related to the approach of the riders as well as the rider's response. Lots of things not taught in stockmanship just because they are counter intuitive to what we've been taught. It's easier to blame...
  8. Bob Kinford

    Cowboy stuff is fun

    I obviously wasn't there, but past experience tells me that If what little human interaction they have is the right kind, they wouldn't have that strong of a flight or fight reaction. The cattle in the video below were trader cows which came off two different ranches. One load was a couple of...
  9. Bob Kinford

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    Actually we used duct tape. Wasn't always because we were poor though. Boots wear out when you're 45 miles from the nearest paved road, then another 80 miles from town present shopping problems. Especially when you might be another month or two from your next opportunity to get to town. I have...
  10. Bob Kinford

    Gaffers tape on cowboy boots

    Well not all of society, just enough to drive up the price of our clothes. Seems like the rest want to send us more wolves. Before Urban Cowboy hit the screen, a decent felt work hat was $35-$45. Price jumped $100 after it came out.
  11. Bob Kinford

    Regenerative grazing.

    Seems odd that there aren't more posts on regenerative grazing. If anyone is still paying attention here, AG Stewards will be holding a (free) Regenerative Legacy webinar this coming Tuesday and Wednesday. Speakers will include Rodger Savory, Dave Voth, Jim Gerrish (of kicking the hay habit) and...
  12. Bob Kinford

    Cowboy stuff is fun

    Still, 95% of the time the good cowboys make it harder than they need to...often just so they can rope something and have a good story to tell at the bar. Friend of mine had to gather a place he takes care of last month. Guy who owns the cattle sent three "good cowboys" and it wound up taking...
  13. Bob Kinford

    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    No they don't need lush vegetation, because they have the sense to pick the most nutrient dense plants. Seems like most desert ranches have a few cows they have to hunt and dig out of the brush every fall. They are often (especially in drought years) the fattest cows on the place because they...
  14. Bob Kinford

    What is this?

    Common mullet brings calcium, magnesium and potassium to the surface which get incorporated into the soil when the leaves fall off and decompose. It is also a pollinator plant bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. We don't really have weed problems, but a lack of knowledge thanks to an academic...
  15. Bob Kinford

    What is this?

  16. Bob Kinford

    Need working facility

    Wives don't understand as well as animals. My dog beelines to the truck at the phrase "Get in the truck bitch." I don't even finish the sentence and my wife's mad at me....
  17. Bob Kinford

    Passive Income From Your Ranch

    You'd probably be surprised if you did a mineral test on the dirt they eat and forage test on the rest. Your opinion might change from weird to wondering how the heck they know where the most nutrition is
  18. Bob Kinford

    Slaughter cows and bulls.

    My argument against it is the value all depends on how you market them. A fat, dry ten year old cow is worth the same amount as a fat, dry five year old cow when you sell them across the rail.
  19. Bob Kinford

    Slaughter cows and bulls.

    Basically selling over valued cattle and replacing them with undervalued cattle. Ranching For Profit and a couple of other organizations seem to really push it.
  20. Bob Kinford

    Slaughter cows and bulls.

    Not necessarily common, but the people who look at cow depreciation through the sale/buy marketing lense swear by it. However, they generally sell them as five year olds rather than four year olds.