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    Texas Tendencies along with other new members will soon learn that Travlr has some sort of unnecessary feud with Warren. I can think of one odd occurrence where the two of them were in agreement on a topic. It's getting quite old but I guess its part of the "charm" of Cattle Today.
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    14-5-38 fertilizer

    For clarification, I work at a large wholesale greenhouse and the fertilizer is in 25lb bags and has been kept dry in our warehouse. It is a blend that we no longer use and I have been given permission to make it go away. We had a dry year last year so the hay field was grazed instead of...
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    Variety is the spice of life.

    Our newest one. She is the only non-Hereford in our herd. She finally had a white heifer calf, so the calf gets to join her mom for the future.
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    14-5-38 fertilizer

    I have access to just over 1,000 lbs of free 14-5-38 fertilizer and was wondering what your thoughts were about applying it to one of our small 5 acre hay fields?
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    Craigslist cattle

    How many breeds in that woodpile mess? Just Holstein x Angus or more than that?
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    Mountaintown Creek Ranch

    Nothing on their Facebook page after February 4th either.
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    Craigslist cattle

    As an everyday reader but random poster, it's becoming less entertaining for every post to turn into an argument about black-hided cattle vs others nonsense. We don't all have to be right all of the time. Please humble yourselves and let this topic return to it's original purpose - "Craigslist...
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    Post a random picture

    Waiting for the chicken to finish up on the grill
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    Craigslist cattle

    I posted him this morning at $1950. Now that he's on Craigslist, I really hope he doesn't pop back up on this thread again. Thanks all!
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    Craigslist cattle

    I'm guessing in the 600 range
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    Craigslist cattle

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    Craigslist cattle

    This is a 6 month White Park X Angus bull calf that we have. With his coloration, thickness and scrotum size I was thinking of posting him to Craigslist just to feel people out. My guess is he is 600 lbs. Thoughts on where to price him at?
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    Craigslist cattle

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    Derrechio in Ill ??? Anyone heard of corn being flattened in Illinois?

    We are in central IL close to Effingham and while we had 70 to 80mph winds with the gust front it only flattened the first row or two on the north side of some fields. The fields northern exposure determined the amount of damage.
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    Name this plant

    It appears to be some sort of Baptisia or Thermopsis which are both commonly referred to as indigo or false indigo
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    Solar charger question

    If these new heifers don't settle down I may add another wire to the fence to add to the zap. There are 5 of them in a 2 acre winter lot with round bales so they most definitely aren't crowded. I have a new battery pack on order to solve the issue. Thanks!